Person: John Domingue

<p>John Domingue</p>

KMi Blockchain research presented in EdMedia 2018

Alexander Mikroyannidis presented the latest KMi work on educational applications of the Blockchain at the World Conference on Educational Media and Technology (EdMedia). The event was held in Amsterdam on June 25-29. Alexander presented a paper outlining a learner-centred approach for lifelong learning powered by the Blockchain. The paper explores the different aspects of lifelong learning…

KMi members win ISWS Summer School 2018 Awards!

  The 1st edition of the newly branded International Semantic Web Research Summer School (ISWS) was organised by STLab-ISTC National Research Council and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology at the University Residential Centre of Bertinoro between 1st and 7th July 2018. The Centre was located in Bertinoro, a small village on a scenic hill with a…

Institute of Coding Launches from the House of Lords

A pleasant and warm evening saw the Institute of Coding (IoC) from the House of Lords. The event, hosted by Baroness McGregor-Smith CBE, was attended by over 200 supporters from the senior management of major technology companies such as Amazon, ARM, BT, Cisco, IBM, Oracle, Raspberry Pi, Telefonica, a wide range of companies including Barclays,…


This year was a very special edition of the WebScience 2018 conference. Not only because it was the 10th anniversary of the event, but because Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web and recipient of the 2016 ACM A. M. Turing Award (also known as the Nobel Price for informatics) delivered his…

Two Blockchain Keynotes in Two Weeks

KMi Director, Prof. John Domingue, was invited to give two keynote talks during May 2018 featuring the blockchain research that he is leading at the Open University. The first talk, “Experiments with Blockchains. The Open University and the emergence of new higher education models” was given at second Conference by the Commonwealth Centre for Connected…

Athena Swan Award Success!

The Knowledge Media Institute is delighted to be among the successful applicants announced by The Equality Challenge Unit for the November 2017 award round.  Our Athena SWAN Bronze Award will be presented at an awards ceremony to be held at Swansea University on 16 July 2018. Dr Miriam Fernandez, who led KMi’s submission said “This…

KMi is hiring! join our Institute of Coding Team

    KMi are currently looking to fill a number of posts to work in the Open University’s Institute of Coding team, comprising academics and technology specialists in learning analytics and distributed ledger technologies. These are:      Systems and Network Administrator supporting IoC infrastructure  Research Assistant / Associate for Blockchain Learning Verification   Research Assistant / Associate for Mainstreaming Learning Analytics    Why…

OU to play lead role in new Institute of Coding

The Open University (OU) has been announced as a major partner in the UK’s Institute of Coding. Led by the University of Bath, the world-leading consortium has been established to strengthen the UK’s position globally in computing and IT, address the UK digital skills gap and create opportunities for more computer science graduates. Funding is comprised…

OU case study featured in EU Policy Report: Blockchain in Education

An interview with KMi Director John Domingue about KMi’s blockchain research at Open University is one of four use case studies featured in a new EU Policy Report: Blockchain in Education.  The Report exemplifies where the Blockchain is being deployed with an education context, and its potential for disruption in the education sector. Other case studies are…

KMi at ISWC 2017

It was the turn of Vienna, Austria to host the International Semantic Web Conference, and once again KMi’s participation at the event was very strong.  Miriam Fernandez co-chaired the Research Track, while Harith Alani, Enrico Motta, Alessandro Adamou, Francesco Osborne and Ilaria Tiddi sat on various program committees.  KMi members organised two Workshops this year,…