Person: Chris Valentine

<p>Chris Valentine</p>

Stadium Live supports Digital Innovation Workshop

KMi’s Stadium Live technology was used this week to support remote attendees to a STEM workshop on digital innovation, held in the Hub Theatre and hosted by Patrick Mcandrew (Director, IET), Doug Clow (IET), Hazel Rymer (acting PVC, (Learning and Teaching) and Andrew Law (Director, Open Media Unit). Initial ideas were prompted in response to…

Season’s Greeting from the Knowledge Media Institute

The Knowledge Media Institute’s Paul Hogan has developed a mixed Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality mobile app to complement its Christmas card this year. Users can simply point their device at the card and see it come to life. They can also use the app with Google Cardboard and enter a virtual winter wonderland and…

AR app for TV series – The Hunt

The Knowledge Media Institute’s Paul Hogan has developed an augmented reality mobile application for the Open Media Unit to be used in conjunction with their HUNT poster campaign, that compliments the new OU/BBC series ‘The Hunt’ which begins on 1st November on BBC 1.   The app, available on both Android and IOS, provides the…

Driving a car – with just your mind

KMi researchers sometimes get to do some pretty strange things and this week project officer Chris Valentine got the chance to be one of the first people in the world to drive a car using just the power of thought. "Technicians working for insurance comparison website combined the very latest in commercial electroencephalogram (EEG)…

Teaching Award for Student Connections Team

Kevin Quick, Jon Linney, Ben Hawkridge and Chris Valentine received an OU Teaching Award at the Charter Day on 23 April 2015. The Faculty of Social Sciences launched Student Connections in May 2014 in order to bring OU students and academics together to build a mutually beneficial community. Student Connections is made up of numerous…

KMi Shows Mobile Projects

Members of KMi were invited to show their work in the field of mobile technologies in education at the Mobile Learning Winter Festival hosted, by IET. Professor Agnes Kukulska-Hulme invited staff from various departments around the University to talk informally about their experiences of using and developing mobile applications for teaching, learning and student support….

KMi Mobile Apps Showcased

KMi present both its mobile prototype applications and work on the iTunes U system at the Mobile Technologies Special Interest Group showcase in the Library yesterday, despite the team being seriously depleted by illness. The Chinese Characters and Virtual Microscope applications have both proved popular on the Apple downloads site and are currently being expanded…

Virtual Microscope features at NHM Natures Treasures

Members of the OUs virtual microscope team were invited to exhibit at the event and took the opportunity to showcase their latest work – an Apollo moon rock virtual microscope. This was prepared in partnership with NASA and is now freely available via the VM website. The team have previously worked on terrestrial rocks and…

KMi Raise 500UKP for Movember

Various members of KMi grew moustaches in aid of The Prostate Cancer Charity via Movember. This is the second year KMi have taken up the challenge and 2010 saw double the number of participants and double the total contributions. Movember challenges men to change their appearance and the face of men’s health by growing a…