
<p>Story relating to a visit</p>

Visit to AT&T Laboratories Cambridge

Yesterday, Peter Scott presented a talk on KMi Stadium research to some of the cool engineers at the AT&T Laboratories in Cambridge. I was invited up by Quentin Stafford-Fraser to give them some of the context of our work and look around their very fine communications engineering research lab (previously the Olivetti Research Laboratory). The…

Bletchley Park Trust Director Visits KMi

Christine Large, Director of the Bletchley Park Trust, visited KMi on Thursday, 2nd November 2000. The visit, set up by Jez Grzeda, Director of OU Intellectual Property Mangement, was aimed at establishing links between the new ‘Community-oriented’ Bletchley Park Trust activities and the ongoing research projects within KMi. Bletchley Park is the home of the…

USOU Board Visit

The Board of Governance of the United States Open University is in the UK for its eighth meeting, part of an in-depth visit to see and experience the OU first-hand. The visit, spread over several days, has included participation in an OU degree ceremony in Birmingham; a formal board meeting at the OU Conference Centre…


Sixteen head teachers came from Hammersmith LEA as part of a course on ICT developments in schools. Their course is organised by John Davitt, a journalist, who writes for the Guardian and other publications. The event in KMi was led by Professor Tom Vincent and Dr Peter Whalley. The head teachers were given an overview…


A television crew from Illumina TV (who produce the ‘Learning Curve’ programme for Sky’s Technology channel) visted KMi and Earth Sciences to pick up the story of the Virtual Microscope. Professor Tom Vincent provided an introduction by describing the wide range of research activities undertaken in KMi and how the link had been established with…


Trustees of the OU Development Fund (OUDF) visited KMi to hear about recent developments and to meet some of the staff. The focus of the visit was the Multimedia Enabling Technologies Group which has received funding from the OUDF to help with several developments. These include the Alternatives to Print project, the appointment of a…

AAAI Fellow visits KMi

Paul Cohen, Professor of computer science and leader of the Experimental Knowledge Systems Laboratory (EKSL) at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, is visiting KMi for the rest of this week. Professor Cohen is a Fellow of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) and a leading figure in the fields of machine learning and…

LibDem Education Spokesman Visits

The Liberal Democrat spokesperson for Higher Education, Mr.Phil Willis, today visited the University. After a meeting and introduction by the Vice Chancellor, he was shown details of the popular new course T171 “You, Your Computer and the Net” by John Naughton of Technology. Dr.Peter Scott then demonstrated some of KMi’s current research projects. Later, Dennis…


Lord David Puttnam visited KMi on the 18th March to see research and development work, led by Dr Peter Whalley, into how the Web can be developed within the school curriculum. In particular, the novel approach of using historical and contemporary experiments to support the National Curriculum. This includes First Flight and the Mars Buggy….

Review Panel Site Visit

The KMi Review process enters its next phase today, as the formally-constituted Review Panel spends a full day visiting KMi. The KMi Review, as specified by the OU Academic Board in 1995, was established to undertake the task of assessing how well KMi performed with respect to its original goals. The terms of reference of…