
<p>Story relating to a visit</p>

KMi’s Maven of the Month: Prof. Viola Schiaffonati

The KMi Maven of the Month initiative originated back in 1995, as a collaboration between the Knowledge Media Institute and the BBC’s Open University Production Unit. It was one of the first Internet Radio in the world (, that used state of the art technologies (for the time…), including RealAudio, CU-SeeMe, Netscape browser and chat windows, as well as standard telephone landlines.  …

Prof Beth Plale on the work at Hathi Trust Research Center, Big data, Aggregations and Text Mining

On December 12th, Prof. Beth Plale, co-director and chair of the HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC) and Indiana University visited KMi. HTRC is a collaborative research center launched jointly by Indiana University and the University of Illinois, along with the HathiTrust Digital Library, to help meet the technical challenges of dealing with massive amounts of digital…

Simon Knight joins Wikimedia UK Board

KMi PhD student Simon Knight was recently appointed to the Wikimedia UK (WMUK) board of trustees as a replacement trustee to serve until the next AGM. WMUK is the UK chapter of Wikimedia which organises Wikimedia activities (including Wikipedia editathons for example) in the UK.  He recently attended his first board meeting in Edinburgh where…

KMi tutors at Goethe University Frankfurt

KMi’s Fridolin Wild tutored doctoral candidates at the Goethe University Frankfurt on how to do natural language processing with the famous statistical programming language and environment R. The doctoral school at the Institute of Business Informatics engages under the lad of Prof. Roland Holten in analysing social interaction in software development processes – in order…

Presentation of KMi Research at the University of Bergen

Following a kind invitation from Prof Bjørnar Tessem and Prof Csaba Veres, I spent three excellent days at the Department of Information Science and Media Studies of the University of Bergen in Norway.  During my time in Bergen I gave two lectures. The first one focused on my work on the Rexplore tool for exploring…

KMi Researchers fight adverse weather to bring Contested Collective Intelligence Tools at XEROX Research Centre Europe!

On the 10-12 of February 2013, Simon Buckingham Shum and Anna De Liddo were invited from Xerox Research Centre Europe (XRCE) to present KMi’s cutting edge technologies on Contested Collective Intelligence.   In the talk Simon and Anna described the theory and technologies for Contested Collective Intelligence.   Contested Collective Intelligence (CCI) is a distinctive…

Knowledge Media and Thai Cyber Learning

KMi Director, Peter Scott spent this week visiting with the Thai Cyber University Project courtesy of the Office of Higher Education Commission, Thailand. The visit involved a number of University visits, talks and meetings, and an excellent opportunity to experience some of the unique culture and heritage of this wonderful country. Monday 22nd November 2010…

Wolfram Research presents Wolfram|Alpha

Jon McLoone from Wolfram Research presented their latest platform work on Wolfram|Alpha in KMi today: the new computational knowledge engine. By layering computational knowledge on large sets of curated, semantically marked up data, this new engine attempts to provide direct bespoke answers to users’ queries. There is even an iPhone App version. In his talk,…

European Best Practices of Adult Education and Training Project Team Visits KMi

KMi were delighted to host a group of Finninsh academics from the ESF funded ‘European Best Practices of Adult Education and TrainingÂ’ project. The team of eight from Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences, University of Joensuu, Savonlinna Centre for Continuing Education and Regional Development, Diaconia University of Applied Sciences and The Small Business Centre at…

Social Database

Alan Fletcher and Mathieu D’Aquin met with New Philanthropy Capital on 15th April to further discuss the funding model for this joint project with OUBS. The project is still being developed and it may be some time before a decision is made on the funding. Related Links: