Anna De Liddo

CHI2015 SIG panel on Online Deliberative Processes and Technologies

A new Special Interest Group on Online Deliberation will be launched this 22 of April 2015!   Online Deliberation (OD) is an important and increasingly common Internet phenomenon that has drawn attention from researchers in various disciplines. A series of events, projects and workshops have been convened by organizers of this SIG. From 2003-2010 there…

COLLECTIVE AWARENESS PLAFTORMS FOR SOCIAL INNOVATION: Catalyst and DecarboNET join forces to the first CAPS Concentration Meeting in Brussels!

KMi’s Anna De Liddo and Miriam Fernandez present Catalyst and DecarboNet  to the EC in Brussels, in occasion of the first meeting of CAPS projects. CAPS is the ICT10 topic Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation, that was part of the FP7 programme in the last call and that will be followed on…

CATALYSTs interactive workshop at the Open University

On January 28-30th KMi hosted the second CATALYST consortium meeting. Catalyst aims to develop collective intelligence tools and services for online communities to support social innovation processes. Specifically, the project goal is to improve online deliberation processes with powerful analytics and visualizations.   Catalyst is now entering his first semester and it already produced new…

CATALYST Project’s kick off meeting in Nice!

On October 22 The Catalyst project kicked off! CATALYST is a FP7 project that will run form October 2013 to September 2015. Aim of the project is developing "Collective Applied InTelligence and AnaLYtics for Social InnovaTion". The project will address the problem of public deliberation in complex socio-technical debates. Public deliberation is often poorly supported…

KMi Researchers fight adverse weather to bring Contested Collective Intelligence Tools at XEROX Research Centre Europe!

On the 10-12 of February 2013, Simon Buckingham Shum and Anna De Liddo were invited from Xerox Research Centre Europe (XRCE) to present KMi’s cutting edge technologies on Contested Collective Intelligence.   In the talk Simon and Anna described the theory and technologies for Contested Collective Intelligence.   Contested Collective Intelligence (CCI) is a distinctive…

Collective Intelligence Workshop @ CSCW2012

KMi’s Anna De Liddo and Simon Buckingham Shum have recently chaired the second international Collective Intelligence workshop held in conjunction with the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW2012) in Seattle, Washington on February 11-15, 2012. The workshop brought together researchers and practitioners in the field of collective intelligence and online discourse to discuss…

ODET 2010: Online Deliberation Emerging Tools Workshop

At the Fourth International Conference on Online Deliberation (OD2010) this year, Simon Buckingham Shum and the Hypermedia Discourse Team from KMi organized a workshop on Online Deliberation Emerging Tools. This invitational workshop brought together many of the leading researchers and practitioners in computer-supported dialogue, deliberation and argumentation – modes of discourse central to activities including…

KMi technologies help tackling Climate Change: First ESSENCE workshop

May 5th and 6th KMi has organized and hosted the first ESSENCE workshop on eScience, Sensemaking and Argumentation tools for climate change deliberation. ESSENCE is the first public event organized by KMi in collaboration with Global Sensemaking (GSm), a network formed in 2008 to develop human-centred computing tools to help tackling wicked problems such as…