Fridolin Wild

Thomas 2.0: Dr. Ullmann

We have a new doctor in the house: Thomas Ullmann passed his viva today with flying colours, defending his thesis on ‘Automated detection of reflection in texts’. Thomas investigated in his monograph, how natural language processing and machine learning techniques can be utilised to support the automated recognition of reflective writing, thereby developing a new…

OU reaching for the stars…

After 10 years of flying through space, the spacecraft of the Rosetta mission is close to reaching its final destination – comet 67/P. KMi honours this Big Day with the production of an augmented reality enhanced film – showcasing how new knowledge media can be used to create new types of learning materials. The film…

The robots are coming

Studies show that industries such as manufacturing and production are undergoing significant transformation – as low and medium skilled jobs are increasingly ‘computerised’ and robots become more and more present on the shop floor. KMi is developing together with project partner VTT an augmented reality learning app that helps blue collar workers up-skill on-the-job. The…

Learning by doing, fusion reactor, smoke sauna

What connects all three above? Right, a project meeting of the TELL-ME project last week in Tampere, Finland. TELL-ME brings learning technology to manufacturing environments. In a nutshell, the overall top-level idea of TELL-ME is to support ‘learning by doing’, a super hot combination of augmented reality technology and learning from shared experience. This new…

Joint European Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning

… that was co-organised by KMi was as a huge success! Taking place in sunny Limassol on Cyprus, this 9th summer school attracted almost 80 participants, with lectures given by a line up of the creme de la creme of European TEL research. KMi opened this intense week of PhD training with a keynote on…

KMi tutors at Goethe University Frankfurt

KMi’s Fridolin Wild tutored doctoral candidates at the Goethe University Frankfurt on how to do natural language processing with the famous statistical programming language and environment R. The doctoral school at the Institute of Business Informatics engages under the lad of Prof. Roland Holten in analysing social interaction in software development processes – in order…

Pushing the envelope with Learning Frontiers

KMi’s work on the Future of Learning with Technology was commended by the European Commission at the TEL-map project’s final performance review last week in the Euroforum in Luxembourg.   The work lead by KMi highlights the key high-impact innovations in learning with technology, helping to extend Europe’s capacity to innovate and helping to increase…

Future Learning Now!

Who knows what technology and knowledge will look like at the university of the future? Well, KMi does! Informed by the hundreds of experts consulted within the two EC-funded projects STELLAR and TELMAP, Fridolin Wild of KMi paints a picture of the future in his keynote at the ‘Future Learning Now!’ day of the Vienna…

OER for business and TEA for assessment

The annual General Assembly of EA-TEL e.V., the European Association for Technology-Enhanced Learning, has seen an exciting line-up of new special interest groups: the SIG TEA (co-lead by Denise Whitelock of the Open University) deals with technology-enhanced assessment and SIG OpenScout cares for OER in business and management education. The annual meeting was also used…