Project Related Event (legacy)

<p>Stories relating to a particular KMi project</p>

ICOPER: One of the best eContent projects

Teresa Connolly gave a presentation at the Final Review of the Interoperable Content for Performance in a competency-driven society (ICOPER) project in Luxembourg 7th April 2011. The ICOPER project received an excellent review and was commended for its high quality and quantity of outputs. The reviewers also remarked that it was one of the best…

KMi and ROLE at widget bash in Bolton

The JISC Centre For Educational Technology and Interoperability Standards (CETIS) organised a two-day widget bash at the University of Bolton last week. The event was attended by representatives from JISC projects, such as DOULS (Distributed Open University Learning Systems), as well as European TEL projects, including ROLE and iTEC. The first day was dedicated to…

WeGov passes its 1st review with flying colours

The review took place in Brussels on March 22 and was attended from KMi by Harith Alani and Sofia Angeletou. The reviewers showed a great interest in Sofia’s WeGov work on modeling the activities of users on social networks and analysing their online behaviour. Related Links:

Over 100,000 views for Future Internet Video

This week saw the Future Internet video produced within the Service Web 3.0 project reach over 100,000 views on YouTube, making it by far the top YouTube hit for the search term ‘Future Internet’. The popularity of the video is in part due to the fact that it has been embedded in a number of…

The RETAIN project has started

The JISC funded RETAIN project has started on the 1st March. This 18 month project aims to extend the Open University’s existing Business Intelligence systems, with a particular focus on improving student retention. RETAIN will make it possible to integrate additional data sources, such as data from VLE’s, with existing statistical methods and to further…

OpenScout meets in Sofia

The annual general assembly of the OpenScout project was held last week in Sofia. OpenScout is an eContentPlus project, entitled “Skill based scouting of open user-generated and community-improved content for management education and training”. The project aims in providing an online education service enabling users to easily find, use and share open content for management…

The CORE project started!

The COnnecting REpositories (CORE) project has been officially started today by a kick-off meeting in the presence of representatives from JISC, OpenDOAR, UKOLN, OU Library and KMi. The CORE project aims to facilitate the access and navigation across relevant scientific papers stored in Open Access repositories. The project will create a new open metadata repository…

DECIPHER Project is Launched

Last week saw the kick-off meeting in Dublin for DECIPHER, a €4.2 million, 3 year research project supported by the European Union. The aim of DECIPHER is to develop and test technology that can be used by visitors and curators to present digital heritage objects as part of a coherent narrative. This will allow the…

KMi Shows Mobile Projects

Members of KMi were invited to show their work in the field of mobile technologies in education at the Mobile Learning Winter Festival hosted, by IET. Professor Agnes Kukulska-Hulme invited staff from various departments around the University to talk informally about their experiences of using and developing mobile applications for teaching, learning and student support….

KMi lectures with Goethe

The chair of information systems engineering of the Goethe University Frankfurt Prof. Holten invited KMi’s Fridolin Wild to tell the inside story of the latent semantic analysis research done in the EC-funded language technologies for lifelong learning (LTfLL) project. Background is research on competence and performance of consulting professionals done at Prof. Holten’s institute —…