ICOPER: One of the best eContent projects

Teresa Connolly gave a presentation at the Final Review of the Interoperable Content for Performance in a competency-driven society (ICOPER) project in Luxembourg 7th April 2011. The ICOPER project received an excellent review and was commended for its high quality and quantity of outputs. The reviewers also remarked that it was one of the best projects that they had ever assessed. Our collaborative effort has turned ICOPER into a real success story. The review was an extremely positive event.

Some of the remarks were that:

• The Commission and the reviewers are highly satisfied with the quality of the results
• The reviewers were not aware of any other project that has produced so many pages of text with the number of Person Months (PM) given – more than 2600 pages of text with approx. 1000 PMs
• It was very much appreciated that the comments of the first review were taken seriously and implemented
• Our presentations at the final review were really to the point
• ICOPER: One of the best eContent+ projects since 2004

ICOPER is a Best Practice Network co-funded by the eContentplus programme of the European Community. The 30-months-project started in September 2008 and had the mission to collect and further develop best practices for higher education tackling matters like creating learning designs and teaching methods, authoring content for re-use, transferring knowledge in an outcome-oriented way and assessing it, or evaluating learning activities.
KMi was one of the 23 Partners from all over Europe who are key and leading experts in digital educational development and technology enhanced learning (TEL). As an Open Network Philosophy is followed everyone can get involved, contribute, and benefit.

Peter Scott, Alexandra Okada and Teresa Connolly of KMi carried out the research for ICOPER’s Work Package 4 (WP4) and focused on the recommendations for extending effective content development and reuse. During the course of the project the KMi team also produced three deliverables; a New Media Space demonstrating WP4 work as well as creating a wiki to record the best practices found in this broad area of reuse in addition to developing a series of bespoke learning units, about different aspects of standards and interoperability, in the LabSpace area of OpenLearn.

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