Project Related Event (legacy)

<p>Stories relating to a particular KMi project</p>

KMi sponsors the 4th ROLE Widget Enchantment Contest

The ROLE Widget Enchantment Contests have been an open invitation to people (educators, learners, developers, etc) that are interested in developing and using widgets for learning purposes. The ROLE project has run 4 such contests, supporting the participants in realising their widget ideas with the use of the ROLE Software Development Kit (SDK). The 4th…

The kick-off meeting of the IEREST project

I attended (with Chris Valentine via FlashMeeting) the kick-off meeting of the IEREST project, a LLP-funded initiative of some of the most relevant universities in the field of intercultural communication to provide exchange students (mainly within the Erasmus Programme) with real intercultural education, so they have all the tools to get the most out of…

The Open University receives 759k from EU for learning technologies

The Open University’s Knowledge Media Institute (KMi) has been awarded two grants of €408,000 (£323k) and €351,000 (£285k) from the European Commission for two projects which build bridges between innovation and education, both in the classroom and in the manufacturing workplace. The grants are specifically for its Technology Enhanced Learning Livinglab for Manufacturing Environments (TELLME),…

Another innovation milestone: The Open University launches iBooks textbooks for iPad

The Open University has launched a collection of new iBooks textbooks for iPad, available through the iBookstore. As Apple releases the new category of educational product outside the US, The Open University adds iBooks textbooks to its range of innovative media. iBooks textbooks give the OU the opportunity to bring strong learning interactions into the…

OUs full text search system makes huge leaps in widening access to academic papers

The Open University has widened access to academic research material – available through its Open Access search facility CORE- thanks to technical leaps in this innovative system created by the OU’s Knowledge Media Institute (KMi). CORE – which stands for Connecting Repositories – has seen unprecedented success in the past year and has more than…

KMi’s ROLE team wins dissemination trophy – yet again!

The ROLE team in KMi has won the dissemination trophy for the 3rd time in a row. The team is led by Alexander Mikroyannidis and consisting of Peter Scott, Teresa Connolly, Joe Corneli and Fridolin Wild.  The team’s engagement in bringing ROLE closer to the TEL community has been recorded in a number of events,…

SEALS: Supporting the Evaluation of your Semantic Tools

The three-year SEALs (Semantic Evaluation at Large Scale) project has now come to an end with a very successful final review with the independent expert reviewer stating it is “technically remarkable” and the Commission’s Project Officer marking it as excellent. In addition to the above quota, the expert reviewer said the project have done something…

Recording of the Build a Widget Day is now available

The recording of a 1-day ROLE workshop held last March in KMi is now available online (see link below). The workshop was entitled “Build a Widget Day” and was co-organised with the British Institute for Learning and Development (BILD), a partner in the ROLE project. The audience was learning and development practitioners from across the…

mEducator project has successfully finished

mEducator (Multi-type Content Re-purposing and Sharing in Medical Education) project has successfully finished as it marked as excellent on the final review meeting (22/05/2012). During the last three years, the mEducator established the Best Practice Network (BPN) aiming to implement and critically evaluate existing standards and reference models in the field of e-learning in order…