KMi sponsors the 4th ROLE Widget Enchantment Contest

The ROLE Widget Enchantment Contests have been an open invitation to people (educators, learners, developers, etc) that are interested in developing and using widgets for learning purposes. The ROLE project has run 4 such contests, supporting the participants in realising their widget ideas with the use of the ROLE Software Development Kit (SDK).

The 4th contest was a particularly successful one, as it had 10 entries, 4 of which were selected by the project and sponsored to be implemented. KMi sponsored the Galileo University team in Guatemala, consisting of Rocael Hernandez Rizzardini, Byron Linares and Alexander Baquiax. The team developed a widget bundle for supporting searching for learning content, organizing it and presenting the knowledge acquired through different tools (mind maps, slides, reports, etc.) in a Personal Learning Environment (PLE). Additionally, the widget bundle was evaluated within a course at Galileo University.

Alexander Mikroyannidis presented the award (an iPad with its cover) to the wining team on November 16, in the context of the International Workshop on Cloud Education Environments (WCLOUD 2012). The outcomes from developing and evaluating this widget bundle were also reported in a paper presented at the same event.

Related Links:

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Alexander Mikroyannidis presenting the award
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The winning team from Galileo University


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