Project Related Event (legacy)

<p>Stories relating to a particular KMi project</p>

A successful first review for weSPOT

The weSPOT project had last week its first annual review in Luxembourg. Alexander Mikroyannidis represented the KMi team, which consists of him, Alexandra Okada and Peter Scott. The review was succesful, with the first year project outcomes being accepted by the Commission. The project focuses on inquiry-based learning with a theoretically sound and technology supported…

CATALYST Project’s kick off meeting in Nice!

On October 22 The Catalyst project kicked off! CATALYST is a FP7 project that will run form October 2013 to September 2015. Aim of the project is developing "Collective Applied InTelligence and AnaLYtics for Social InnovaTion". The project will address the problem of public deliberation in complex socio-technical debates. Public deliberation is often poorly supported…

FORGE has kicked-off!

Last week saw the kick-off meeting of the FORGE project (Forging Online Education through FIRE). FORGE is a 3-year FP7 project led by KMi. The consortium consists of 7 partners highly experienced in eLearning and FIRE (Future Internet Research & Experimentation). The meeting was hosted by the University of Patras in Greece. John Domingue, Alexander Mikroyannidis…

weSPOT meets in Leuven

The weSPOT project held its first General Assembly in Leuven, Belgium last week. The meeting took place in conjunction with the International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference (LAK 2013). weSPOT is a 3-year FP7 project, which started last October. The project aims at propagating scientific inquiry as the approach for science learning and teaching in combination…

KMi wins final ROLE award at successful closing review

The final review of the ROLE project took place this week in Luxembourg, and the KMi team led by Dr Alexander Mikroyannidis – who were awarded the ROLE dissemination trophy 3 times in the past – were given the award by the consortium for the whole project! The final review meeting was very successful, concluding a 4-year endeavour of 16 institutions…

Milton Keynes City Council adopts ParkJam to Ease Car Parking Stress

Yesterday Milton Keynes Council began promoting KMi’s mobile app ParkJam. This free app lets drivers check parking availability from any Android phone. The app uses Linked Data technology to integrate information about parking availability from multiple sources including the electronic billboard signage system which runs in Milton Keynes city centre, and from drivers themselves who…

ROBUST Second Year Review

ROBUST passed its second year review with flying colours last December in Luxembourg. ROBUST is a €7M year project involving several leading academic institutes as well as businesses such as IBM and SAP. Two of the main highlights of the review were prototypes produced by IBM and SAP, that integrate several ROBUST technologies to support…

LinkedUp has been launched!

Funded by the EU in the FP7 programme, the LinkedUp project will advance the adoption of open Web data, in particular for education, in particular through: The LinkedUp Challenge: which will identify, support and promote highly innovative applications and technologies which exploit open Web data Curated datasets: LinkedUp will catalog and curate open Web data…

COMPOSE project kicked off in Barcelona

Last week saw the kick-off meeting in Barcelona for COMPOSE, a €7 million, 3 year research project supported by the European Union. The COMPOSE project aims at enabling new services that can seamlessly integrate real and virtual worlds through the convergence of the Internet of Services with the Internet of Things. COMPOSE will achieve this…