Project Related Event (legacy)

<p>Stories relating to a particular KMi project</p>

MK:Smart – on track for supporting the future of Milton Keynes

The inaugural plenary meeting of the MK:Smart project was hosted at The Open University on the 22 January. All partners were involved in a project update that outlined the progress since the grant award. The design of the data hub is nearing completion and the initial installation is on target. The demonstrator work packages in…

Minister of State introduced to MK:Smart

Greg Clark was appointed Minister of State (Cities and Constitution) in October 2013. As part of a visit to The Open University he spent some time with MK:Smart Project Director, Professor Enrico Motta who, supported by Milton Keynes Council Director of Strategy, Geoff Snelson and University of Bedfordshire’s Emeritus Professor, David Barrett, was delighted to…

A robust finale to ROBUST

ROBUST glided through its third and final year review in Luxembourg on December 12. The reviewers highlighted the numerous and successful outcomes of this project with more than 100 publications including top conferences and journals, several best-paper awards, concrete developments towards the commercial exploitation of the produced technologies (led by the industrial partners; IBM, SAP, Polecat…

MK:SMART mentioned at despatch box

During Prime Minister’s Questions on 15th January, Prime Minister David Cameron congratulated the Open University on the MK:SMART initiative and Milton Keynes for its representation on the Smart Cities Forum.   MK:SMART is a £16m multi partner project led by Professor Enrico Motta of KMi which is a critical part in a range of initiatives…

Listening Experience Database launches

The Listening Experience Database (LED), a crowd-sourced collection of documented evidence of listening to music, went public this week. LED is a collaboration between the Open Univerity and the Royal College of Music aimed at producing the world’s first database that captures the impact of music on the lives of people. Though the LED site…

SMART meets FUTURE in Glasgow

Professor Enrico Motta, Project Director of MK:SMART led a delegation of project partners to an informal exchange of ideas with the Glasgow Future Cities Initiative this week. After some interesting updates on the progress, opportunities and challenges faced by the Glasgow initiative and an introduction to the scope of the MK:SMART project, the conversation centred…

Milton Keynes celebrates the start of something SMART

KMi’s Professor Enrico Motta is the Project Director of MK:SMART, a 3 year, £16m HEFCE-funded project that will from Jan 2014 develop innovative ways of supporting the significant forecast growth in Milton Keynes.   Central to the Open University-led project is the creation of a state-of-the-art ‘MK Data Hub’ which will curate vast amounts of…

CARRE kick-off

The CARRE project (Personalized patient empowerment and shared decision support for CARdioREnal disease and comorbidities) kicked off last week. The CARRE consortium consists of 6 partners experienced in health and associated technologies, semantics, data visualisation and decision support. The meeting was hosted by the Democritus University of Thrace in Alexandroupolis in Greece. KMi was represented…

DecarboNet is on!

On October 8-10th, KMi hosted the kick off meeting of the new DecarboNet project, which is a three year, €2M project funded by the EU to study behaviour change towards energy consumption.   The premise of the project is that the lack of collective awareness negatively impacts perceived personal efficacy, which hampers efforts to address…

EPSRC project launch: Visualizing the 2015 Prime Ministerial TV Debates

During the 2010 UK general election, the first ever televised Prime Ministerial debates took place. KMi pilot research demonstrated the potential of mapping the debates as visual diagrams. In 2015 the next election is expected, providing the opportunity to investigate how knowledge media can deliver completely new ways to replay the debates and engage with…