MK:Smart – on track for supporting the future of Milton Keynes

The inaugural plenary meeting of the MK:Smart project was hosted at The Open University on the 22 January. All partners were involved in a project update that outlined the progress since the grant award. The design of the data hub is nearing completion and the initial installation is on target. The demonstrator work packages in Energy, Water and Transport continue to develop their propositions and work is already underway in developing the citizen engagement toolkit.

MK:Smart continues to attract attention in the wider landscape and the project management team were pleased to report that they have been approached by several organisations who are keen to be involved and learn from the project activity.

The series of quarterly plenary meetings will continue to report on project progress and highlight the growing synergies between the activity streams, as well as the areas of collaboration with the wider Milton Keynes Future City Programme, in which Milton Keynes Council has a significant stakeholder interest.

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