Alessandro Adamou

KMi at ESWC 2016!

As with past editions of the Extended Semantic Web Conference, the Thirteenth edition (ESWC2016), once again held in Anissaras, Crete, featured a significant KMi delegation and a host of former KMi-ers. Five researchers – Prof. John Domingue, Alessandro Adamou, Carlo Allocca, Mathieu d’Aquin and Hassan Saif – attended as KMi delegates, and even more contributed…

LED to be featured at DLfM and ISWC 2014

The Listening Experience Database has earned two slots in upcoming academic events on Digital Libraries and the Semantic Web, both themes much cherished by KMi folk in the realm of Web science. On September 12, LED will be presented at the first International Digital Libraries for Musicology Workshop (DLfM 2014) by Royal College of Music…

LinkedUp Y1 rated ‘excellent’

The LinkedUp project first-year outcomes were met with outstanding acclaim from the European Commission review that’s just in. LinkedUp is an EU FP7 support action that promotes the adoption, spread and exploitation of Linked Open Data for the benefit of organisations and institutions in the educational domain, and then some. A key partner in the…

OU earns gold and bronze at Stride IoT Hackathon

Two teams of OU researchers, from KMi and MCT, took part in the Stride hackathon last week, and came back with first and third prize.     The Stride (Smart Transport Internet of Things Data Ecosystem) project combines the expertise of BT, Ctrl-Shift, Dartt, AIMES, and the University of Cambridge to provide a critical mass of transport…

Listening Experience Database launches

The Listening Experience Database (LED), a crowd-sourced collection of documented evidence of listening to music, went public this week. LED is a collaboration between the Open Univerity and the Royal College of Music aimed at producing the world’s first database that captures the impact of music on the lives of people. Though the LED site…