Project Related Event (legacy)

<p>Stories relating to a particular KMi project</p>

Schoolchildren Help Predict Climate

The Nuffield Foundation (one of the UK&#39s best known charitable trusts) has made a grant to widen the participation of school children in a project, where KMi is one of the partners. The grant from the Nuffield Foundation would complement the base funding from NERC and DTI, and it will fund the development of…

Knowledge Web Kick-off meeting

The Knowledge Web Network of Excellence kick-off meeting was held over two days (3-4, February) of glorious early spring weather at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) on the outskirts of Madrid. As usual, our Spanish hosts were both friendly and efficient. The biggest problem experienced by most participants was getting the Madrid taxi drivers…

KMi showcased at LearnTec

Stand 239 in the Schwarzwaldhalle hosted the Prolearn project in Karlsruhe, Germany. Prolearn is an EU 6th Framework Network of excellence in Professional ELearning. The significant KMi role in this network was hightlighted on the trade stand. Peter Scott and Kevin Quick mixed meetings of Prolearn workpackages at the University with attending the Prolearn stand…

Prolearn Kick-Off

The first PROLEARN general assembly was held at the L3S lab in Hannover, Germany Nov 30-Dec 2 2003. So keen are the project participants to get started, that we decided to have our kick-off over a month before the formal start date for the project and before the contract with the EU has even been…

A for AKT

Last week saw the midterm review for the EPSRC funded Advanced Knowledge Technologies (AKT) project at the University of Southampton. Overall the review went extremely well. In his summing up the review, panel chair Professor James Hendler said “if I could give you a grade it would be an “A” and pointed out that many…

BuddySpace:10,000 Downloads

BuddySpace, KMi&#39s environment for integrating instant messaging, maps, and semantic web services, has now been downloaded by more than 10,000 users since the release of version 2.1 in February. Roughly half of these downloads come from the service provided by, and the other half come from KMi&#39s own BuddySpace site, also linked from SourceForge….