KMi showcased at LearnTec

Stand 239 in the Schwarzwaldhalle hosted the Prolearn project in Karlsruhe, Germany. Prolearn is an EU 6th Framework Network of excellence in Professional ELearning. The significant KMi role in this network was hightlighted on the trade stand. Peter Scott and Kevin Quick mixed meetings of Prolearn workpackages at the University with attending the Prolearn stand at the fair to showcase our work. Hexagon and Stadium were very highly profiled to this audience.

Peter also gave a talk in the main congress, (attached to the fair) on “New media for learning at work”.

The LearnTec fair itself is pretty huge – not as big as CeBIT certainly – but with a focus on eLearning – rather than all technologies. Because of this size the 9k estimated participants each day were lost in the immensity – so it didn&#39t ever seem overcrowded.

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