Event Participation/Organization

<p>Story relating to an event</p>

KMi Keynote: i-Know 2006, Graz Austria

The 6th International I-Know Conference, in Graz Austria is the premier venue for Knowledge Management research. This year the 3 day event was packed with presentations and workshops on the state of knowledge work, knowledge management and knowledge media. Prolearn was, of course, a very strong presence at this event. But the new projects like…

Open Guide to Milton Keynes at WikiSym 2006

The KMi-developed Open Guide to Milton Keynes was presented at WikiSym 2006 in Odense, Denmark, by Mark Gaved, co-admin last week. Mark attended the conference to present a practitioner report on the wiki-based community guide, part of the Open Guides family. Mark and Tom Heath have been administering and developing the guide for the last…

Prolearn Summer School 2006

This years “jewel in the crown” of the Prolearn Network of Excellence, the Summer School, was in Bled Slovenia June 5-9 2006. This hugely successful event attracts top European students of Technology Enhanced Professional Learning. This year&#39s event was unusual in a number of ways… See the guy in the front of the raft with…

Back from WWW2006

The main conference about Web technology, WWW, has been held in Edinburgh one week ago. This conference series has a major impact on the development of the Web and acts as a meeting place of all interested parties: the W3C, academics that pursue Web related issues and the major inductry players such as Google, Yahoo…

KMi Students at the 2nd AKT Doctoral Symposium

PhD students from KMi took part this week in the 2nd AKT Doctoral Symposium, held at the University of Aberdeen. The event was entirely organised by students from the EPSRC-funded AKT project, providing an opportunity to present doctoral work to a public audience and gain experience of the peer review process. KMi student Vlad Tanasescu&#39s…

Nobel Summit on ICT and public services

Peter Scott attended the Public Services Summit in Stockholm, during Nobel Week 2005. The theme this year was Responsive, Citizen Centered Public Services. The event was hosted by the City of Stockholm and Cisco Systems Thursday 8 December – Sunday 11 December 2005. The Nobel Week Summit provides an unusual venue to explore the possibilities…

Hypermedia Discourse à La Sorbonne, Paris

This week La Sorbonne, Université de Paris IV hosted the International Workshop on Annotation for Collaboration, sponsored by CNRS, the French National Research Council. KMi&#39s Simon Buckingham Shum presented his research to the gathering which brought together researchers from across Europe. The presentation outlined the use of lightweight discourse semantics to add a new dimension…

Hacking Local Wireless Information Systems

KMi recently hosted a series of events focused on localised wireless information systems, led by Saul Albert (WirelessLondon) and Jo Walsh (co-author, Mapping Hacks). Jo Walsh led a KMi Podium presentation outlining the possibilities provided by localised semantic web applications, describing some of her theoretical work and the practical applications she has been building in…

Learning Management Congress – Munich, Germany

The IMC organization held a congress in Munich 10-11th October 2005. The congress is a large, very Germanic, trade-focused, event which helps companies to think about eLearning and management issues. My keynote to this business audience was on live and streaming media. Before the Congress, the PROLEARN Network of Excellence in professional technology-enhanced learning, held…

Capturing Knowledge with Altitude

KMi continued its long association with the KAW/KCAP series of workshops and conferences last week with a big presence at KCAP′05 in Banff, Canada. KCAP is one of the most creative gatherings of knowledge management researchers on the planet. This year saw presentations on knowledge capture from stories and from games on the web, ontology…