Event Participation/Organization

<p>Story relating to an event</p>

Microsoft Hosts SemGrail Semantic Web Workshop

Microsoft recently hosted SemGrail an invitation only workshop focused on the Semantic Web near their headquarters in Seattle. As can be seen in the picture the workshop invitees were comprised of a small number of prominent figures in the Semantic Web arena including: Jim Hendler, Amit Sheth, Frank van Harmelen, Tim Finnin and Natasha Noy….

Young Researchers Pull Up Their SOCs

The Second Young Researchers’ Workshop on Service-Oriented Computing (YR-SOC) was held in Leicester last week and has already received critical praise in industry blogspace. There were 15 accepted papers, 8 posters, and invited speakers from JBoss, Pi4 Technologies, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, ATX Software and Kings College London. KMi’s Barry Norton was co-founder of the workshop and…

EATEL and Prolearn General Assembly 2007

The Prolearn General Assembly was held in the Knowledge Media Institute of the Open University in the UK on Monday and Tuesday 14-15 May 2007. Prolearn partners and associates from all around Europe converged on Milton Keynes to discuss the final year of work of the Prolearn Network of Excellence and its sustainability beyond the…

Hypermedia Discourse tours Silicon Valley

The Hypermedia Discourse team has been busy for the last fortnight. Since the end of April, they have been presenting and participating in workshops at the ACM CHI conference (San Jose), Center for Science, Technology and Society (Santa Clara University), the Compendium Institute Annual Workshop (NASA Ames Research Center, Mountain View), and SRI International (Menlo…

Research In Music Education Conference (April 2007)

I recently attended the Fifth International Research in Music Education Conference at the School, of Education and Lifelong Learning at the University of Exeter. Those of you who are familiar with my PhD studies will know that my research concerns encouraging creative learning in music composition, therefore, this conference was ideal. It also gave me…

Semantic Web Services and Business Presentation to Telefnica

Last week saw John Domingue give a presentation on how Semantic Web Services could be applied to business at the Telefónica headquarters in Madrid. Telefónica is one of the world’s leading telecom companies, with a presence in Europe, Africa, and Latin America, a total of 196 million customers and a total worth of around 100…

MTN Evaluation Released

Today saw the formal launch of the Making the News project formal evaluation report "Transforming learning through online storytelling". The evaluation team, lead by Dr Fiona Brooks of the University of Hertfordshire presented the findings of their independent evaluation study. According to their work, the MTN project had a significant impact on learning, particularly with…

KMi Attends Isabel Global Info Day

Peter Scott and Dr Paul Lefrere (senior lecturer in IET) attended two out of three sessions during Global Info Day, joining participants from a number of sites around the world including Madrid, Lima, Ottawa, Brussels and Budapest, to hear of and discuss projects that are part of the Seventh Research Framework Program. Framework programmes (FPs)…


March 2007 saw KMi host a project meeting for the SUPER Integrated Project with more than 60 participants from industry and academia. SUPER aims to develop a technological platform to support the management of business processes in a scalable and semantically interoperable manner. On the agenda were discussions on: the SUPER process modelling ontology stack,…

KMi leads on the Pragmatic Web

KMi is already one of the world’s leaders in Semantic Web research and deployment. Now we’re showing the way with the Pragmatic Web, which focuses on the design of Web tools that recognise how context fundamentally shapes conversations and commitments. After presenting KMi’s work on Hypermedia Discourse at the inaugural 2006 conference, Simon Buckingham Shum…