Event Participation/Organization

<p>Story relating to an event</p>

Open Learning Analytics come a step closer

Key players in the field have combined forces to add momentum to the creation of open source learning analytics. I recently returned from the Open Learning Analytics (OLA) Summit at which SoLAR and Apereo Foundation committed to collaboration around OLA will enable educational institutions to create open or hybrid for fee/free analytics infrastructures. Analytics capacity…

WWW Gangnam style!

KMi-ers Harith Alani, Carlos Pedrinaci and Alexander Mikroyannidis are in Seoul for the 23rd World Wide Web conference. This year, the WWW conference is hosted in the prestigious COEX hub in Korea’s Gangnam district. So far, it has featured a panel of renowned internet experts, including Tim Berners-Lee, discussing the challenges and opportunities of the previous 25…

Discourse-Centric Learning Analytics Workshop, LAK14 Indianapolis

KMi and IET combined forces to run the 2nd International Workshop on Discourse-Centric Analytics (DCLA14), as part of the LAK14 international learning analytics conference. Following the successful DCLA13 workshop, DCLA has now become a recognised class of analytics, at the intersection of several different disciplines, represented by the participants. Co-authoring with MIT’s Mark Klein, Anna…

KMi @ Big Data in Education, NSF Workshop

In Washington DC, George Mason University convened a workshop on Big Data in Education, sponsored by the National Science Foundation,the Academy of Finland, and the Finnish Embassy. It brought together an eclectic group from education, computing and several who shared their experiences of how massive data is transforming their fields. The challenge laid down as…

OUAnalyse at the LAK14 Machine Learning and Learning Analytics workshop

The first international workshop on Machine Learning and Learning Analytics took place last Tuesday 25th March, as part of LAK14. The goal of the workshop was to discuss what benefits machine learning techniques can bring to the field of learning analytics. It was intended as both an introduction to the field for those wishing to start…

Data-driven approach to visualise EPSRCs research landscape

KMi professor Stefan Rueger was invited to an EPSRC network-of-networks meeting on 27 March 2014 in his role as coordinator of the Multimedia Knowledge Management research network to help map out the research challenges within EPSRC’s network portfolio. One interesting aspect of this workshop was that it did not involve the conventional jotting down of…

Forge wins Best Poster at the Athens Future Internet Assembly

A good week in the office. Of course it helps if your ‘office’ for a week is a short walk from the Parthenon and you are contributing to the buzz surrounding the Future Internet Assembly (FIA): over 750 attendees incorporating the leaders of over 150 European projects worth more than half a billion Euros.  The…

KMi goes to Saint Petersburg to discuss the future of Open Data in Education

What can the open and linked data movements bring to education? This was the question explored at the Open Data in Education Seminar held in St Petersburg, Russia, earlier last week. The event, co-organised by Dmitry Mouromtsev from University ITMO and KMi’s Mathieu d’Aquin (representing the LinkedUp project and the LinkedUniversities.org portal), included contributions from…

OU Analyse at the Learn About Fair

OU Analyse participated at the Learn About Fair, which focused on educational technologies used for learning and teaching and relevant research. The fair took place at The Open University on the 26 February. The project team demonstrated new machine-learning based methods for identifying early on students at risk of failing. A list of ‘at risk’…

Computational Creativity and Image Aesthetics Research

KMi professor Stefan Rueger was invited to the First Annual Contact forum on Computational Creativity, 21-23 Feb 2014, to give a talk on his perspective on this area. Computational Creativity studies how to get software to behave in such a way that a human would consider the output to be a creative work. This encompasses…