
<p>Story relating to an award</p>

KMi’s Duygu selected as a Research Spotlight Competition Finalist

On Thursday 22 May 2014, BCS (British Computing Society) London office held the 10th Hopper Colloquium. UCL (University College London) presented the Hopper colloquium this year; which was sponsored by IBM and BCS. It was a 1 day event that celebrated women in computing with women speakers talked about their research in computer science and…

KMi’s Duygu Simsek wins the LAK’14 Best Demo Award

The 4th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference held in Indianapolis, IN, USA 2 weeks ago. The conference theme this year was intersection of learning analytics research, theory and practice. The Poster & Demo Session of the conference took place on March 26th, 2014, and KMi’s Duygu was one of the demo presenters with "Visual Analytics…

KMi at MK Business Achievement Awards

MK:Smart was on Milton Keynes Council’s winning team at the inaugural Milton Keynes Business Achievement Awards held on 20 March at stadiummk.  KMi’s Jane Whild joined MK Council’s Geoff Snelson and Sarah Gonsalves to collect the Environmental and Corporate Sustainability Award from the host, BBC Breakfast presenter, Bill Turnbull. The Open University’s Pro Vice Chancellor,…

LinkedUp Y1 rated ‘excellent’

The LinkedUp project first-year outcomes were met with outstanding acclaim from the European Commission review that’s just in. LinkedUp is an EU FP7 support action that promotes the adoption, spread and exploitation of Linked Open Data for the benefit of organisations and institutions in the educational domain, and then some. A key partner in the…

KMi’s Simon Knight wins Computing and Philosophy Award

Congratulations to PhD student Simon Knight, who has just won the International Association for Computing and Philosophy (IACAP)/Carnegie Mellon, Brian Michael Goldberg Memorial Award for graduate research in the areas of computing and philosophy. Simon is particularly interested in the role of social epistemology in understanding information seeking, and collaborative knowledge construction platforms such as…

OU earns gold and bronze at Stride IoT Hackathon

Two teams of OU researchers, from KMi and MCT, took part in the Stride hackathon last week, and came back with first and third prize.     The Stride (Smart Transport Internet of Things Data Ecosystem) project combines the expertise of BT, Ctrl-Shift, Dartt, AIMES, and the University of Cambridge to provide a critical mass of transport…

CompendiumDS wins Scottish eAssessment Award for Best Product

Our job in KMi is to prototype the future of the learning society, typically from external research grants which are only awarded to investigate a ground-breaking challenge. We then engage the OU with these inventions when they are ready for adoption, so it’s always a pleasure when those technologies then help OU courses win awards….

Get the free e-Book: Advances in Technology Enhanced Learning

Jumping straight into the top-ten ‘computing and internet’ free resources on Apple’s book store comes KMi’s e-Book for iPads on ‘Advances in Technology Enhanced Learning’. Produced by Peter Scott, Paul Lefrere, and Fridolin Wild this free book highlights the most recent breakthroughs in research on learning with technology, from the background of two networks of excellence, eight…

Euclid Officially Rated Excellent

“I have been reviewing European projects for over ten years and this is the first time I give an ‘Excellent’ rating… Congratulations! I am impressed! I also think that you are very good educators as well as researchers.” “Congratulations first!” “The project is well developed and has made excellent progress.” Were the first comments from…

The Shakespeare Review

KMi’s John Domingue joined a team of experts in February 2013 to contribute to an independent review of  public sector information, The Shakespeare Review, which has now been published, was led by Stephan Shakespeare, Chair of the Data Strategy Board – a body set up by BIS.  The Review makes nine recommendations to government around the…