Peter Scott

Prolearn Summer School 2005, Istanbul Turkey

The first Prolearn Summer School ran from 5th-9th September this year at the Sile campus of Isik University in Turkey. This brand new campus near Istanbul was occupied by hard-working Prolearn Grad Students even before it had seen its first intake of Turkish undergrads! The School was a great success and was very highly regarded…

ICWL 2005 – International Conference on Web-based Learning

ICWL 2005, the 4th International Conference on Web-based Learning was held this year in Hong Kong (31st July – 3rd August , 2005). This event gives a very interesting perspective on Asia Pacific and eLearning with topics ranging from e-Learning Platforms and Tools, Learning Resource Deployment, Organization and Management Practice and Experience Sharing, e-Learning Standards,…

A Virtual iPod

Interested in Educational Podcasting? Well, it may be no replacement for the little white box itself, but we have been asked so often what our educational podcasts would look like on Apple&#39s iPod that we produced a virtual one that will play any podcast. Sadly, our virtual iPod can only play podcasts, but it can…

eLearning 2005 – Towards a learning society

The huge eLearning 2005 conference in Brussels involved a high level of KMi research input, as you would expect. Peter Scott chaired the stream on Higher Education, and Enrico Motta presented our Semantic Web research under the “Learing Enablers” theme. The conference, funded by the European Union, was held in Brussels (19-20 May 2005) and…

Working in public can be cool!

In the recent frenzy of bid writing for the last round of the current EU framework, Hexagon has again shown us a new face. As the bid deadline approached, our EuroScholar bid team (as you would expect) started firing out more and more urgent emails wrt bits of work that we still needed to do…

The KMi Hexagon room now admits guests.

Our policy for the use of the KMi Hexagon room is that it is a *Private*, *Working* room only accessible by members of KMi. All members of KMi have an account, can get a camera, and can join this working space to share presence and lightweight working interactions. (If you are not in there just…

KMi Showcase @ CeBIT 2005

KMi technologies are being showcased live, right now, at CEBIT 2005 on stand C29 in Hall 6. Sitting within the Prolearn Project, and alongside some key technology partners, KMi technologies are being presented to visitors to this huge event. Alongside our usual materials and demonstrations, the luckiest of visitors are being presented with a Prolearn…

ACM Symposium – South Africa

This year&#39s ACM International Symposium for Information and Communication Technology, is being held in Cape Town, South Africa. The symposium hosts a series of invited workshops, and this year one of the topics is Disemmination of Information and Communication Technologies. So this is a good forum at which to present our EU funded Prolearn project…

Lord Rooker discusses community impact of KMi

Today, a senior government minister visited KMi to discuss our programme for outreach into the community. Rt Hon the Lord Rooker, Minister of State for Regeneration & Regional Development (ODPM) was visiting the Open University to understand the significance of our work within our local region and beyond to all of the UK. Coming to…

FlashMeeting now with Minutes!

We have a pretty big community who have been running FlashMeetings for a long time now and are used to regular feature updates. We have not bothered to mention the addition of little things like Voting and Smileys to the cute things that we do. But the new minuting tool is worth a mention. Pretty…