Peter Scott

Visit by Prof Keith Mander, Kent Uni.

Brought up by Darryl Ince (hasnt been up himself for a while 🙂 Keith is evidently the external assessor, for M150. Comp Sci based at Kent Uni). Keith is a PVC in Kent and interested in *IT and new tech and knowledge strategy*. Showed him lots of cool stuff; but I aint sure he got…

Sport4All.Com still alive!?

PKS and I had an interesting morning with Roger Fennemore and a couple of dudes he brought in (David Bellin and Graham Miller). These folks had an interest in the old online sport concept. Both are from the world of TV and media, and with Roger&#39s new role on the board of Sport England, he…

Touch base with Chris Candlin (New Prof FELS)

Chris Candlin is visiting (seconded to) FELS from his home in Macquarie, Sydney. He will be working in batches of time at various locations. He is a linguist with an interest in Health so a few health-related folks met to touch base and brief him on what is going on atm. Who was there: C.N.Candlin,…

So … now what for Corous?

Last Friday we got the formal notification that Corous was having its independent spreadsheet surgically removed. They have lost Danny Nti and Jim Flood; and Dr Gerry Hancock in OUW is now formally in charge of their operations (Gerry, I think was ex-regional director for Birmingham?). The two remaining senior staff (Marion McKechnie and Shamus…

OUBS Relationship Progress

PJS hosted a visit today from Gilly Salmon (OUBS). Gilly was keen on progressing KMi activity on three fronts: (1) Her chairing of the OUBS Management Certificate course – with 5K students and very tight margins imposed by OU tariffs. (2) Her own external commercial activity. She has an international company with 8 (or maybe…

Macromedia PR Visitor (Education Case Study)

Tony Mays from a local PR firm (Newport pagnell based CIT Public Relations), who work for Macromedia Europe, will be visiting Peter Scott this coming Tues to chat about doing another case study of the lab – this time for their education section. The big headline for me is the sell for Flashmeeting; but I…

Hexagon Update

The new URL for access to the KMi ONLY Hexagon Room is: Which is intended to be a private-to-kmi room for our experiments. Please join us, even if only to listen to News-24 🙂 And yes we know it is a bit broken up, we are musing on this … Actually, the direct to…

Shell Visitor – Peter Bentley

Sue Downey brought Peter Bentley (Shell Educ) over today for a chat about innovations. Peter is keen to consider how his company can better manage the departing knowledge from retiring senior folks. He wants them to ramp down their engagement with the company annually – to step back gradually from their role so that the…

Welsh Language Uni Webcast request

Spoke to Angela Driver (Comms) about the possibility of doing a webcast from the Cardiff regional centre about the launch of one of our Welsh Language initiatives (28 Oct PM). Evidently Fraser is terribly keen to have this as a live internet video. I promised to *look into* what was possible. Another freebie for the…

E2B Visitors discuss Flashmeeting licence

Visit today from Diane Earl, John Hackett and Phillip Pearce (east of england broadband network consortium) today to discuss the on-going work with CABER and new potentials for Flashmeeting. They have a click-to-meet trial running alongside their big commitment to hardware vc. However, they seemed terribly keen to be *early adopters* for flashmeeting – and…