KMi Reporter

OpenMinds – the future of learning

How people learn is changing. KMi Director Professor Scott explored what this means for The Open University at the first in a new series of talks: Open Minds on Tuesday 20 January. The new OpenMinds series of talks from The Open University are showcasing the University’s thought leadership in learning and teaching and the application…

Responsible Use of Social Media Data

It is excellent to see today’s publication of the Responsible use of data report by the Commons Science and Technology Committee. The OU has a long track record of research expertise in social media and other forms of big data, and provided both written and oral evidence to the Committee’s inquiry on Social Media and Real-time Analytics…

Congratulations, Dr Corneli

Congrats to KMi’s latest PhD award – Dr Joe Corneli.  Joe’s thesis: "Peer produced peer learning : A mathematics case study" described a research project which created a technological intervention intended to transform a peer produced reference resource into a peer produced learning environment. In his research, supervised by KMi’s Alexander Mikroyannidis and Peter Scott,…

Parliamentary Select Committee: Social Media data and real time analytics

KMi’s Dr Mathieu d’Aquin gave evidence on behalf of the OU to the House of Commons Science & Technology Committee at an oral evidence session on Monday 23 June. The session formed part of the Committee’s inquiry into Social media data and real time analytics launched earlier this year. Dr d’Aquin was joined in front of the select committee…

First Prize for Rexplore at ESWC Semantic Publishing Challenge

The groundbreaking Rexplore system for analysing scholarly data was awarded first prize, as Best Semantic Publishing Application, at the “Semantic Publishing Challenge”, which was held in the context of the 11th Extended Semantic Web Conference.  Rexplore was chosen from a number of innovative Semantic Web applications by a jury comprising both researchers and commercial publishers….

Happy 45th Birthday, Open University

KMi celebrated The Open University’s 45th ‘Charter Day’ today celebrating the historic signing of The Open University Charter with the launch of the new OU Pipeline, a website dedicated to the delivery of Knowledge Media technologies into the OU.  Showing off KMi pipeline technologies at Charter Day 2014, we presented a range of new work…

Multimedia Information Retrieval world tour ends on a high note

Today’s tutorial on Multimedia Information Retrieval at Search Solutions 2013 held at BCS’s headquarters in London was the last in a series of tutorials by KMi professor Stefan Rueger. He started the series at the end of 2009 based on the first stages of his text book with the same title that was finally published…

‘Designing for change’ hits the first 100.000

The 2008 article of KMi’s Fridolin Wild about personal learning environments has reached the first 100,000 hits on the European Commission portal ‘Open Education Europe’. The article not only phrases critique about the – then – status quo of instructional design theories, but also proposes a fundamentally new approach of mash-up personal learning environments. Congratulations!…

Designing Systemic Analytics at the Open University

The OU’s Pro-Vice-Chancellor Learning & Teaching, Prof. Belinda Tynan, gave a joint webinar today with KMi’s Simon Buckingham Shum (Prof. Learning Informatics) on Designing Systemic Analytics at the Open University. This formed part of the online open course Strategy & Policy for Systemic Learning Analytics, organised by the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR). Thanks…

Social and Big Data Computing Keynote

Opening Keynote of the International Knowledge Management in Organizations Conference was KMi Director, Professor Peter Scott. This event, which was the 8th in the series was held in Kaohsiung, Taiwan on 9th -13th September, 2013. This year the conference used as its theme: Social and Big Data Computing for Knowledge Management. Professor Scott spoke on the theme of…