Project: OU Analyse

<p>The OU Analyse project is piloting new machine learning based methods for early identification of students who are at risk of failing.</p>

OU staff find out about Knowledge Media

The Open University’s Charter Day celebrations concluded with the Learn About Fair yesterday. People from all over the OU found out more about a variety KMi projects, including Engage and EDV. It was a particularly good opportunity for the latter to showcase the Democratic Replay tool, as we quickly approach the UK General Election next month….

KMi at LAK15 – Poughkeepsie

A group of KMIers have just returned from the 5th ACM Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK) conference, this year held in Poughkeepsie, New York.  Zdenek Zdrahal, Martin Hlosta, and Jakub Kuzilek were attending to present work on OU Analyse, which as well as attracting interest from participants was highlighted in OU PVC Belinda Tynan’s keynote…

Successful collaboration with Chinese university

This month we said farewell to Zhou Rui who came to visit KMi for several months from Anhui Radio and TV University, China. Zhou came over from his home faculty of Educational Technology to work on OU Analyse. His research interests, which include data mining and data analysis, meant that he provided useful support for…

OUAnalyse Featured On National Radio

At the end of November Martin Hlosta presented OUAnalyse at DatConf2014 at Brno University of Technology (TU Brno). Martin was one of the ten speakers presenting on the theme of data in the second largest city in Czech Republic. The Open University have a strong relationship with TU Brno, displayed through an agreement between the…