OUAnalyse Featured On National Radio

At the end of November Martin Hlosta presented OUAnalyse at DatConf2014 at Brno University of Technology (TU Brno).

Martin was one of the ten speakers presenting on the theme of data in the second largest city in Czech Republic. The Open University have a strong relationship with TU Brno, displayed through an agreement between the two institutions regarding the Erasmus programme. As a result, KMi have hosted a number of their students who have demonstrated notably good knowledge and programming skills.

The  audience of 200 was interested to hear about the value that The Open University places on learning analytics, which Mr Hlosta clearly demonstrated through his presentation on the OUAnalyse project. Such was the interest in the topic of Martin’s presentation that Martin was interviewed by national radio station, Cesky Rozhlas. The interview was for a morning current affairs program, and they were keen to find out how the project’s analysis of at-risk students works and how accurate these predictions are.   

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