Person: Trevor Collins

<p>Trevor Collins</p>

Fieldcast team wins prestigious award

The Fieldcast team have created an authentic, inclusive and engaging method for teaching fieldwork for the environmental sciences.

The Fieldcast team, in which KMi’s Trevor Collins and Ben Hawkridge participate, won the Advance HE Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) for their innovative use of Open University’s OpenSTEM Labs to enhance fieldwork learning for distance-learning students. Their efforts have significantly improved student engagement and influenced fieldwork education in the UK. The team’s collaborative…

Congratulations Dr Venetia Brown, on your PhD Success!

Congratulations to KMi’s newest Doctor, Venetia Brown, who has successfully defended her thesis "The role of interactive web broadcasts in fostering distance learning students’ engagement with practical lab and fieldwork". Chaired by Dr Aisling Third, the examiners, Professor Eileen Scanlon (WELS, IET) and Dr Lynda Yorke (Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography, Bangor University), commented on the potential value…

KMi at Brazil Week

On the 26th of January 2021, King’s College London and The British Council launched the STEM Education Hub targeting research and education in Brazil. The Hub’s mission is to act as a point of co-operation between the UK and Brazil. As a member of the Hub KMi Researcher, Lara Piccolo, presented her research on technology design to…

SPICE project is launched

SPICE is a 3 year EU project developing new technologies and methods that enable groups at risk of exclusion to actively participate in culture through a process we term citizen curation. Our approach to citizen curation supports virtual and physical visitors to the museum to engage in two interrelated processes of interpretation and reflection. Citizens…

Congratulations Martin Hlosta and Trevor Collins on RET

Congratulations to KMi Research Fellow, Martin Hlosta the Early Alerts IndicatorsTeam and tutors for their Excellence in Teaching Award in the ‘enhancing teaching and learning’ category . The award was for OUAnalyse which is now deployed in all undergraduate OU modules to support student success. Hats off are also due to Trevor Collins and the eSTEeM management team, Diane Butler, Diane Ford and Rachel Redford, who received a commendation in the ‘scholarship research and practice’ category for their fantastic work. Although we can’t physically congratulate…

KMi, the first 25 years

At the 25th Anniversary KMi Festival we invited staff from across the OU campus to come and find out how our latest knowledge and media technologies are impacting education, science, and cities.  The Festival attendees included Lady Kitty Chisholm, one of the three founders of KMi, the STEM Executive Dean, Nick Braithwaite, and the new…

Congratulations to Dr Paul Warren

Paul Warren successfully defended his thesis on 13th July 2017. The title of Paul’s thesis was "Human Reasoning and Description Logics: Applying Psychological Theory to Understand and Improve the Usability of Description Logics". The examiners were Dr. Gem Stapleton (University of Brighton) and Prof. Marian Petre (Computing and Communications). A key contribution of the thesis…

OU receives new grant to make education more inclusive

The Open University (OU) is leading a £480,050 project funded by the Higher Education Funding Council in England, to address barriers to student success. In collaboration with the University of Leeds and Plymouth University, Dr Trevor Collins, Research Fellow in the OU’s Knowledge Media Institute, is initiating the ‘Embedding and sustaining inclusive STEM practices’ project….

Congratulations to Doctor Ilaria Tiddi!

Ilria Tiddi successfully defended her PhD on 16th June 2016. During the viva and in her thesis ("Explaining Data Patterns with Knowledge from the Web of Data"), she described her work at the intersection of knowledge discovery and semantic web research, using the Web of Data to generate explanations for patterns found in data through…

Clipper project @ IIIF Audio/Video Workshop

Last week the Clipper team participated in an invited workshop at the British Library, organised by the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) consortium. The purpose of the workshop was to collate use cases and start outlining a development road map for extending the IIIF to include support for Audio/Video annotation. This was a great opportunity…