Person: Peter Scott

<p>Peter Scott</p>

The interactive webconference: Student Connections

KMi hosted the first Student Connections conference this week. The online event from The Open University’s Faculty of Social Sciences took place between 30 June 2014 – 4 July 2014 and presented a series of highly interactive webcasts to Open University students from all the Faculty. Hosting a week of live and "as live" events, from a multitude…

Congratulations, Professor Zdrahal

Zdenek Zdrahal, who has been a stalwart of the Open University since 1991, and member of KMi since it was created a few years later has been awarded his chair! Professor Zdrahal’s research applications have been of significant practical value in reaching out to our local community here in Milton Keynes and he has had a…

Towards a European Area of Skills and Qualifications

European learners and workers should be able to have their skills and qualifications understood and recognised, within and across national borders, by employers and by educational institutions. The tools that support this aim should be coherent, simple, and easy to use. The EASQ conference in Brussels on 17th June 2014 took as a starting point…

Digital Agenda Assembly 2013

KMi Director, Professor Peter Scott joined he EU Digital Agenda Assembly 2013 this week in Dublin Castle, Dublin, Ireland. The event is a meeting of EU policy makers and stakeholders aiming to review plans for the Digital Agenda for Europe – to assess the progress and challenges in implementation of the plan and seek ways to improve its…

Keynote: Learning in a Post Personal Computer World

Today, I had the pleasure of presenting a keynote opening talk for the eMadrid event running, you would not be surprised to learn, in Madrid, Spain as a guest of Caros III University. This event is run annually and is a coordination action to bring together the Universities of this huge city and have them…

iLearning for the iGeneration @ IAT Tech Conference, UAE

KMi Director, Professor Peter Scott spoke today to the Technological Education Conference (IAT TEC 2013) in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. This event attracted more than 1000 educators not only from the UAE but also from different parts of the globe including the US, UK and GCC countries. For the first time since its launch in…

weSPOT meets in Leuven

The weSPOT project held its first General Assembly in Leuven, Belgium last week. The meeting took place in conjunction with the International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference (LAK 2013). weSPOT is a 3-year FP7 project, which started last October. The project aims at propagating scientific inquiry as the approach for science learning and teaching in combination…

Congratulations Professor Buckingham Shum

Today, Simon Buckingham Shum was awarded a Chair in the Knowledge Media Institute of the Open University. As Professor of Learning Informatics Simon will bring a Knowledge Media perspective to understanding the explosion in digital data that is having a transformative impact on business, government and data-intensive academic fields. Learning Informatics places the learner at the heart of this challenge and…

TELLME Valencia

The Valencia, Spain base of the furniture company AIDIMA, at their Instituto Tecnológico del Mueble, Madera, Embalaje y Afines was host to the third general meeting of the TELLME consortium this week. KMi Director, Prof. Peter Scott, joined the meeting to progress our work on this Collaborative project of the ICT Work Programme under the European…

Another innovation milestone: The Open University launches iBooks textbooks for iPad

The Open University has launched a collection of new iBooks textbooks for iPad, available through the iBookstore. As Apple releases the new category of educational product outside the US, The Open University adds iBooks textbooks to its range of innovative media. iBooks textbooks give the OU the opportunity to bring strong learning interactions into the…