Person: Lara Piccolo

<p>Lara Piccolo</p>


COMRADES team organised a 3 day exhibition at ICT 2018 in Vienna, to showcase the various technologies developed in H2020 COMRADES project. More than 5000 people attended the event this year, so the COMRADES booth was super busy! Visitors to the booth were able to see and use a crisis mapping platform that was powered with AI…

KMi hosts first misinformation workshop for the OU

On October 4th, 2018 KMi hosted the first Misinformation Workshop for OU researchers working on the topic of mis/dis/information, education and information literacy. As part of our participation in Co-Inform, a European-funded project to create misinformation resilient societies ( ), we hope to draw from interdisciplinary research conducted at our own institution to help understand how…

Stadium Live supports Digital Innovation Workshop

KMi’s Stadium Live technology was used this week to support remote attendees to a STEM workshop on digital innovation, held in the Hub Theatre and hosted by Patrick Mcandrew (Director, IET), Doug Clow (IET), Hazel Rymer (acting PVC, (Learning and Teaching) and Andrew Law (Director, Open Media Unit). Initial ideas were prompted in response to…

KMi Celebrates Christmas, Hawaiian Style!

KMi’s traditional Christmas party, always includes friends and family who are invited to our Podium to join the festive cheer. This year had a bit of a twist, we brought a tropical flavour to Milton Keynes all guests were dressed in Hawaiian theme. We had our KMi rules secret Santa, where choosing your present late…

DecarboNet – The Best Is Yet To Come

Lara Piccolo, Miriam Fernandez, and Harith Alani from KMi travelled to Brussels last week to run the successful first review of the FP7 CAPS DecarboNet project. Harith Alani; the coordinator of DecarboNet, told the reviewers in his opening presentation to ‘Keep Calm, because the best is yet to come’ from this three year project. The…