Person: John Domingue

<p>John Domingue</p>

The FORGE iBook is live on the Apple Store

The FORGE iBook is now live on the Apple iBooks Store and available in 51 stores worldwide. This is a fully interactive eBook for iOS and MacOS. It introduces a range of Future Internet topics using FIRE facilities. Readers have the opportunity to study in depth various aspects of networking protocols and infrastructure, watch instructional…

FORGE and Go-Lab meet in Dublin

Representatives from all FORGE partners met on November 4th and 5th in Trinity College Dublin. This plenary meeting offered an opportunity to check on the progress of the individual work packages of the project, as well as prepare a work plan for the third and final year of the project. Denis Gillet, technical coordinator of the Go-Lab…

European Data Science Academy at ICT 2015

The middle of October saw the European Data Science Academy (EDSA) at ICT 2015. ICT is the major European Commission event in the communications and computing area and this year had over 7,000 registrations. The opening talk included speeches from Günther Oettinger the European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society and Anibal Cavaco Silva the…

Strong KMi presence at ISWC 2015

The International Semantic Web Conference this year witnessed another populous KMi delegation, with 8 people from the lab attending the conference, which took place in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA, on October 11-15. The KMi contributed in a variety of ways to the main Semantic Web conference, both with a significant presence in the organising committee and…

FORGE Runs an EU Commission Future Internet and Digital Skills Workshop

At the request of the EU Commission FORGE, an EU project coordinated by KMi, ran a workshop at the headquarters of the Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE) unit in Brussels on Digital Skills and the Future Internet. The workshop was attended by senior FIRE representatives including the unit’s Head and Deputy Head as well…

5th ESWC Summer School 2015

“Definitely would recommend ESWC Summer School not as a regular event you can visit, but as a unique part of my life” Just a statement from one of our 24 students who attended ESWC Summer School in Kalamaki, Southern Crete last week. Prof John Domingue, Director of the School and President of STI International lead a very successful 5th ESWC Summer school…

KMi wins over 2 million euros in funding from H2020

Once again, the lab has been successful in winning significant sums of funding from Horizon 2020. As a result, we are pleased to announce four new projects due to begin in January 2016.   The lab won funding for four of the six successful ICT projects at The Open University. These projects will be pushing…

VPH Share rated ‘Excellent’ in final review

VPH Share has concluded with a very successful final review in Eindhoven this month, where the reviewers described the project as "excellent and important". VPH Share is focused on providing a cloud environment enabling clinical researchers to develop simulation and decision support workflows to allow raw medical data to be refined into meaningful diagnostic and therapeutic…

The Open University and Cisco at the conference

The 3rd Experiment@International Conference (’15) took place last week in the beautiful island of Sao Miguel in the Azores. This biannual conference is dedicated to online experimentation, providing a forum of discussion and collaboration between academics, researchers, web designers, K-12 teachers and industry, trying to bridge the gap between academic applications and results as well as real…

EATEL SIG Remote Labs and Online Experimentation is established

The European projects FORGE and Go-Lab have jointly established the Special Interest Group (SIG): Remote Labs and Online Experimentation. The SIG has been established within the European Association of Technology Enhanced Learning (EATEL). The EATEL supports a network of European research laboratories and groups via free services, sponsoring high profile TEL events, a knowledge interchange, and a…