Person: Gregoire Burel

<p>Gregoire Burel</p>


COMRADES team organised a 3 day exhibition at ICT 2018 in Vienna, to showcase the various technologies developed in H2020 COMRADES project. More than 5000 people attended the event this year, so the COMRADES booth was super busy! Visitors to the booth were able to see and use a crisis mapping platform that was powered with AI…

KMi at ISWC 2017

It was the turn of Vienna, Austria to host the International Semantic Web Conference, and once again KMi’s participation at the event was very strong.  Miriam Fernandez co-chaired the Research Track, while Harith Alani, Enrico Motta, Alessandro Adamou, Francesco Osborne and Ilaria Tiddi sat on various program committees.  KMi members organised two Workshops this year,…

COMRADES sails through its mid-term review

The COMRADES ( consortium came back triumphant from Brussels where the project’s mid-term review was held at the European Commission on July 5th. Project officer and reviewers were highly impressed by the exceptional quality of the work and achievements of the project partners over the first half of the project.  In these 18 months, the consortium…

KMi at ISWC 2016

The 15th International Semantic Web Conference took place recently in Kobe, Japan, and the KMi contingent had a very strong showing at the conference. Ilaria Tiddi and Allan Third presented papers in the highly selective research track, on "Learning to Assess Linked Data Relationships Using Genetic Programming", and "Integrating medical scientific knowledge with the semantically…


Every year the World Wide Web Conference provides an opportunity for many researchers from both academy and industry to discuss about topics that are centred around the World Wide Web. In its 25th edition, which took place in Montreal (CA) from 11th to 15th of April 2016, more than a thousand people from 55 countries joined together to present progress in…

Another new Doctor in KMi

Yesterday, Gregoire Burel successfully passed his viva to become the forth new doctor in KMi this year! Greg’s thesis entitled ‘Community and thread methods for identifying best answers in online question answering communities’, introduces the concepts of qualitative and structural design in order to investigate if features derived from community questionnaires can enrich the understanding…