Person: Dong Liu

<p>Dong Liu</p>

KMi Releases Linked Services iPhone App

Last month saw the release of SOA4RealEstate in the iTunes App Store, an iPhone application that allows users to make informed decisions when looking for a property to buy in the UK. The app, which was demo-ed during John Domingue’s inaugural lecture held last week, allows users to combine on demand linked data coming from…

SOA4All: Achieving a Paradigm Shift in Software Development

The three year 13M Euro SOA4All project has now come to an end with a very successful final review. The main aim of the project was to facilitate the creation of a "Service Web": a web where services exist in large numbers and are easily found, composed and invoked. In addition to the headline quote…

SOA4All: Leading the Future Internet of Services

Last week saw SOA4All’s second year review in Barcelona. Driven by the success of previous reviews, this time the evaluation focused on exploitation of project results which shows the high expectations the European Commission has of this project. As on previous occasions, KMi’s involvement was crucial for yet another successful review. KMi’s John Domingue and…

SOA4All: This is really cool stuff

So began the feedback from the mid-term review of the SOA4All project, held last week in Brussels. From a relatively slow start the three external reviewers of the project now agreed that the project is performing very well. As one review said: �it is now fun to be a reviewer�. SOA4All is a large EU…