Person: Alexander Mikroyannidis

<p>Alexander Mikroyannidis</p>

SlideWiki meets in Genoa

The third plenary meeting of the SlideWiki project took place on November 17th-18th in Genoa, Italy. The meeting was hosted by CNR- IEIIT/School of Robotics. Alexander Mikroyannidis and Allan Third represented the KMi team and joined more than 30 representatives from 17 partner organisations. SlideWiki is aiming at increasing the efficiency, effectiveness and quality of education…

A successful first year review for EDSA!

EDSA had a very successful first review last week in Luxembourg. Professor John Domingue and Keyur Dave represented the KMi team at the review and were also responsible for the overall project presentation as KMi is the project coordinator. A panel of two international experts, chaired by EC project officer Carola Carstens, assessed the project…

Learning Analytics for Awareness and Reflection: Highlights of the 6th ARTEL Workshop

The 6th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced Learning (ARTEL) took place on September 13th in Lyon, France, in the context of the 11th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL). The workshop was chaired by Alexander Mikroyannidis (The Open University), Michael Prilla (University of Bochum) and Milos Kravcik (RWTH Aachen University). The…

Book reaches top charts: Responsive Open Learning Environments

A book co-edited by Alexander Mikroyannidis has reached the top Springer download charts. Since its online publication on November 2014, there has been a total of 28,033 chapter downloads of the book on SpringerLink. This means that the book has been one of the top 25% most downloaded eBooks in the relevant Springer eBook Collection…

Last FORGE plenary in Athens

The last plenary meeting of the FORGE project took place on July 11-12th in Athens, Greece. In a beautiful location by the sea, the FORGE partners met in order to wrap up the project and prepare for its final review. The main topics of discussion and planning had to do with the sustainability of the…

European Data Forum a Great Success

The 2016 European Data Forum (EDF) which took place last week was a great success. This event which was setup by the European Commission supported by STI International and a number of prominent European researchers in 2012 has grown from under 200 participants to over 1000 registrations at this year’s event. EDF brings together key…

SlideWiki meets in KMi

The second plenary meeting of the SlideWiki project took place on June 9th-10th in the Knowledge Media Institute of the Open University. More than 30 representatives from 17 organisations across Europe travelled to Milton Keynes, in order to touch base on the latest project developments and plan subsequent collaborative actions. The meeting focused on the…

Digital Skills Gap in ICT Technologies

The 2nd annual NET FUTURES conference, which wishes to maximize the competitiveness of the European technology industry, took place last week in Brussels, Belgium. The aim of the conference is to bridge the gaps between research and innovation labs, businesses, marketing, entrepreneurship and policy-making communities, with the idea that innovations will more easily and effectively…


The 7th IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2016) took place last week in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Alexander Mikroyannidis presented a methodology for the design, delivery and evaluation of learning resources for remote experimentation. This methodology has been developed in the context of the European project FORGE, which promotes online learning using Future Internet Research…

Open Data in Education: Now also a book

The use Open and Linked Data associated with education has been growing steadily, in part thanks to efforts involving KMi, such as, LinkedUniversities, the LinkedUp project and now the AFEL project. The book "Open Data for Education: Linked, Shared and Reusable Data for Teaching and Learning" is therefore a timely publication. Edited by Dmitry…