Person: Alexander Mikroyannidis

<p>Alexander Mikroyannidis</p>

Best practices from ROLE at the E-Learn 2012

The World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education (E-Learn) took place in Montreal, Canada last week. KMi and the ROLE project were represented by Alexander Mikroyannidis. Alexander Mikroyannidis presented a paper co-authored with Teresa Connolly about the lessons learned and the best practices from the Open University test-bed of the ROLE…

OpenScout successfully completed

The final review of the OpenScout project took place yesterday in Luxembourg. The review was very successful, with an outcome of “excellent progress” for the project. The project officer and the reviewers commended the consortium on fostering the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) in management education and training. Alexander Mikroyannidis presented the outcomes of the…

KMi’s ROLE team wins dissemination trophy – yet again!

The ROLE team in KMi has won the dissemination trophy for the 3rd time in a row. The team is led by Alexander Mikroyannidis and consisting of Peter Scott, Teresa Connolly, Joe Corneli and Fridolin Wild.  The team’s engagement in bringing ROLE closer to the TEL community has been recorded in a number of events,…

International Workshop on Cloud Education Environments

Alexander Mikroyannidis is co-organising an international workshop on Cloud Education Environments, on November 15-16 in Antigua Guatemala. The workshop will focus on the exchange of relevant trends and research results, as well as the presentation of practical experiences gained while developing and testing cloud education environments, both from a teaching and a learning perspective. Best…

Build your Responsive Open Learning Environment – Workshop at the PLE Conference

The 3rd PLE conference took place simultaneously in Aveiro, Portugal and Melbourne, Australia between July 11 – 13. Researchers, educators and practitioners in Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) and Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) were brought together for a lively exchange of ideas, practices and visions. The PLE conference has a distinct “unconference” nature, avoiding the common “death…

Recording of the Build a Widget Day is now available

The recording of a 1-day ROLE workshop held last March in KMi is now available online (see link below). The workshop was entitled “Build a Widget Day” and was co-organised with the British Institute for Learning and Development (BILD), a partner in the ROLE project. The audience was learning and development practitioners from across the…

ROLE workshops at the JTEL Summer School 2012

A very successful JTEL summer school was held last week in Estoril, Portugal. PhD students in the area of Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) from across Europe spent the week learning about the latest trends in TEL, exchanging ideas about their PhD projects, and (of course!) socialising. Alexander Mikroyannidis delivered the workshop: “Build your Personal Learning Environment”….

New ROLE course about Self-Regulated Learning

Alexander Mikroyannidis and Teresa Connolly have prepared in collaboration with other ROLE partners, a new ROLE course about Self Regulated Learning (SRL). The course, which is available in OpenLearn, provides an overview of the concepts behind SRL and also offers an opportunity to use a selection of learning tools that have been developed by the…

Successful review for ROLE

The 3rd annual review of the European project ROLE (Responsive Open Learning Environments) took place on March 27 in Luxembourg. The project consortium presented the ROLE technological achievements and their applications in different learning contexts. Alexander Mikroyannidis presented the lessons learned and best practices from piloting and evaluating the ROLE technologies in the test-beds of…