Build your Responsive Open Learning Environment – Workshop at the PLE Conference

The 3rd PLE conference took place simultaneously in Aveiro, Portugal and Melbourne, Australia between July 11 – 13. Researchers, educators and practitioners in Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) and Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) were brought together for a lively exchange of ideas, practices and visions. The PLE conference has a distinct “unconference” nature, avoiding the common “death by PowerPoint” by featuring highly interactive sessions, even during the keynotes.

Alexander Mikroyannidis, together with other partners from the ROLE project, delivered a half-day workshop entitled “Build your Responsive Open Learning Environment (ROLE)”. Participants were introduced to the ROLE tools and learning methodologies and were allowed to use these tools in order to build their own Responsive Open Learning Environment. Additionally, participants were able to design their desired tools, according to their learning scenarios and requirements. The workshop was very well received and provided the opportunity to spark some interesting discussions around PLEs.

Alexander Mikroyannidis also presented at the conference a paper co-authored with Teresa Connolly about the lessons learned from the OpenLearn test-bed of the ROLE project. The OpenLearn test-bed concerns the use of widget-based PLEs by informal learners for finding and evaluating Open Educational Resources (OER). A recording of this “speed-dating” presentation and the slides are available in the links below.

Related Links:

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The participants and organisers of the ROLE workshop
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Using the ROLE tools


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