
<p>Story relating to a visit</p>

KMDI Visits KMi

Gale Moore and Andrew Clement from the Knowledge Media Design Institute at the University of Toronto came to visit KMi today. Gale and Andrew were visiting us as part of a European fact finding mission in the context of their research project "Institutionalising Interdisciplinary Innovation in Universities: The Emergent Field of Knowledge Media Design."

eUniversity Chairman Sir Anthony Cleaver Visits

Sir Anthony Cleaver, Chairman of UK eUniversities Worldwide Ltd, visited the Open University today for a series of discussions and presentations hosted at the Knowledge Media Institute. Sir Anthony, Medical Research Council chairman and former IBM chief executive, is the first chairman of the new company, which was formed in 2001 to deliver the eUniversity…

British Association of Open Learning Visit

The British Association of Open Learning held their annual general meeting at the Open University today and in concert with this arranged a day conference for their members here. Around 50 BAOL delegates attended OL sessions including those by: Mary Thorpe on the versioning of course materials; David Grugeon on the Open University’s present and…

Jack Park on Topic Maps & Constructivist Dialog Mapping

Jack Park, VP of ThinkAlong Software, gave KMi an introduction to the Topic Map technology and standard, and then contextualised it to classroom technology experiments in which he is engaged. Park, a research partner with Doug Engelbart, has been heavily involved in the ISO Topic Map standard, and its translation to XML that has produced…

Doug Engelbart shares his vision

Doug Engelbart, whose inventions in the 1960s still define interactive computing today, spent two days at KMi this week discussing the overlap in mission with his Bootstrap Institute. Engelbart is a true pioneer of modern interactive computing, whose inventions include the mouse and cursor, multiple windowing, display-based text editing, hypermedia linking, shared whiteboards, outline processing,…

Zimbabwean Open University visits

KMi welcomes the visitors from the ZOU today with a short tour hosted by Dr. Peter Scott of the Centre for New Media. The Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) received its Charter from the Zimbabwean Government in March 1999. It took over an existing programme of distance teaching from the Centre for Distance Education (CDE) at…

Enigma machine visits KMi

As part of an on-going collaborative project between KMi’s Centre for New Media, and the Bletchley Park Trust, an original Enimga encoding machine was brought into the centre to be photographed for a variety of multimedia and web materials. Pictured is Peter Wescombe, a trustee of the park, demonstrating the function of this Kreigsmarine (German… enters the football arena

Tuesday 17th saw a visit by representatives of Ipswich town football club to discuss a possible involvement in KMi’s project. Still in its prototype form, the website is to provide on-line sports coaching for a mainly younger audience. The site also includes a forum, listings of local sports related information and clubs from…

KMi Visited by Leading Lights from Einstein TV

KMi was visited today by Derek Wyatt, MP, and Steve Timmins from the Einstein Group which has developed an innovative cable educational channel with a bias towards cutting edge science and technology. Einstein aims to provide high quality, inspirational programming and to merge TV and the Internet so as to enable viewers of the TV…

Shadow Secretary of State for Education and Employment Visits KMi

Today, Theresa May MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Education and Employment for the Conservative Party visited KMi. Mrs. May was welcomed to the University by Sir John Daniel, The Vice Chancellor.. After fruitful discussion with members of the University’s Senior Team, Mrs. May moved to a presentation by the Faculty of Education and Language…