
<p>Story relating to a visit</p>

Mme Liu Ying visits KMi

Today KMi hosted a visit by Mme Liu Ying, Director of the Division of Distance Education and Continuing Education at the Chinese Ministry of Education. This event took place in the context of an extended visit by Mme Liu to The Open University, which aims to strengthen the relationship between The Open University and the…

Sir John Daniel back for the day

Sir John Daniel was back in town for the day, and stopped in to KMi for an update on the latest R&D news, accompanied by Ms. Stamenka Uvalic-Trumbic, Chief of Reform, Innovation and QA at UNESCO. Sir John, who is now President and Chief Executive Officer, Commonwealth of Learning, is a former OU Vice-Chancellor, and…

Google @ KMi

Renate Myhrstad and Elizabeth Bury of Google Europe (Dublin) came to KMi today as part of a fact-finding visit connected with staff training. The visit was hosted by Open University COROUS Commercial Manager Olga Meglinskaia, and was also attended by Sarah Washe, Di Lambert, and Anna Peachy. KMi&#39s Peter Scott (pictured at right with Renate…

KMi hosts EG2KM project workshop

KMi are hosting a party of four delegates from the EU supported EG2KM project (eGovernance Enhancement via Knowledge Management) led by the Vice Chancellor of the Open University of Malaysia, Professor Anuwar Ali. Professor Ali, Repin Ibrahim, Leong Kin Mun and Kelly Quek are participating in the EG2KM workshop organised by Zdenek Zdrahal. As part…

Shell Learning Centre, Rijswijk, The Netherlands

Just come back from a great visit to the Shell Learning Centre Rijswijk, near the Hague in the Netherlands. The Shell EP Learning team were kind enough to invite me, a team from Corous and a team from a local company to us, Logicom, to see their new centre and to talk about our work….

Dr Ian Gibson MP visits KMi

KMi today welcomed the Labour Member of Parliament for Norwich North, Dr Ian Gibson. Prof. Enrico Motta, Dr. Peter Scott and Prof. Brigid Heywood, PVC Research and Staff, demonstrated the wide variety of technologies the department is currently developing. Ian Gibson, originally from Dumfries in Scotland, is an important advocate of the role science can…

HEFCE Chief Executive visits KMi

Today KMi hosted a visit from Sir Howard Newby who is the Chief Executive of the Higher Education Funding Council for England. HEFCE&#39s aim for learning and teaching is to ensure that all higher education students benefit from a high-quality learning experience fully meeting their needs and the needs of society. Related Links: Higher Education…

Adobe’s Senior Scientist visits KMi

Bill McDaniel, a Senior Scientist at Adobe Systems, authors of Photoshop, Acrobat and the like, visited KMi to present a talk on the many of the challenges of ubiquitous computing (including location and context awareness) and those of the semantic web. The talk discussed how emerging semantic technologies such as OWL, Pellet, and increased volumes…

H.E. Director-General Sir Alan Wilson Visits

Sir Alan Wilson, Director-General for Higher Education at the Department for Education and Skills, had a first-hand look at new learning technologies today in KMi. Sir Alan is a key advisor to the Secretary of State for Education and plays a critical part in the government’s drive to widen participation and maintain a world-class university…

Lord Rooker discusses community impact of KMi

Today, a senior government minister visited KMi to discuss our programme for outreach into the community. Rt Hon the Lord Rooker, Minister of State for Regeneration & Regional Development (ODPM) was visiting the Open University to understand the significance of our work within our local region and beyond to all of the UK. Coming to…