Publication Related Event (legacy)

The Common Wealth of Learning publishes a report on Linked Data for education, based on KMis experience

The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) is an intergovernmental organisation including more than 50 independent sovereign states, created to encourage the development and sharing of open learning/distance education knowledge, resources and technologies. Impressed by the work realised in the LUCERO project, by the deployment of (the world’s first university linked data platform), and by the…

Ontology Engineering in a Networked World

The NeOn project, a flagship KMi-led EU FP6 initiative, was launched in March 2006 and ran for 4 years. A key aim of the project was to advance the state of the art in using ontologies for large-scale semantic applications, in particular by providing innovative tools and methods to support the process of creating, managing,…

First Open University iBook now in Store

The first Open University interactive iBook title “Moon Rocks” was published into the Apple Book store last week (22 March). The Open University already has over 420 eBooks in our very popular iTunes U courses, but this iBook is the first to use Apple’s new interactive publishing system. Today the book has been featured by…

New Reference for the Semantic Web

The Handbook of Semantic Web Technologies edited by John Domingue, Dieter Fensel and Jim Hendler has just been published by Springer. This two volume reference work contains 22 chapters spanning over 1000 pages covering all the essential areas of Semantic Web research today. The book was first conceived in the summer of 2008 when the…

Sky News Interview for the Webs 20th Anniversary

On August the 6th the Web became 20 years old and in that time has come a long way from allowing physicists managing documents at CERN to now providing a platform for business, media and an ever-growing amount of human social activity. The event has been marked by a number of stories in the news…

KMi in The Times

On Wednesday 23rd March 2011, the Eurogene project lead by Dr Zdenek Zdrahal was featured in the printed version of The Times in the article entitled “Gene genie’s treasure trove.” by Mark Frary. The article discusses, in an interview with Zdenek and Petr, the results and the mission of Eurogene to provide free multimedia learning…

W3C Acknowledges WSMO-Lite, a Submission Led By KMi

The W3C, the Web’s standardization consortium with a mission to lead the Web to its full potential, has today acknowledged WSMO-Lite, a technology submission led by KMi. Developed within the EU project SOA4All, WSMO-Lite is a lightweight set of terms for describing the semantics of Web services that builds on the W3C standard SAWSDL. According…


The European project ROLE was at the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) last month in exotic Tunisia. Alexander Mikroyannidis from KMi presented a semantic architecture for Personal Learning Environments (PLEs). This work is about layering and integration of learning ontologies, which are modelling various aspects of the learning process and facilitating the…

KMi delivers book to publisher

KMi professor Stefan Rüger has delivered a text book on Multimedia Information Retrieval (bibtex) for Morgan & Claypool‘s series of synthesis lectures on information concepts, retrieval and services. Quoting from the book’s preface Rüger said: ”I am not easily convinced to write a book. The main reason why I got fascinated by this assignment is…

KMi project video now on iTunesU

The iTunesU collection contains a video with a few familiar places and faces. Stefan Rueger and Suzanne Little recently filmed a short video at KMi describing research from the Multimedia Information Systems group and, in particular, the PHAROS project. The video, which can be found in iTunesU or viewed through iTunes from the link below,…