Project Related Event (legacy)

<p>Stories relating to a particular KMi project</p>

Crete in May: ESWC Summer School, ESWC Conference and a Dinner Keynote

Following a longish tradition the end for May saw two weeks of events starting with the ESWC Summer School held in a small village the south of Crete. This school borrows from long-held OU pedagogical principles for running such events combining technical hands-on sessions with a two-day project where students build their own Linked Data…

ROLE workshops at the JTEL Summer School 2012

A very successful JTEL summer school was held last week in Estoril, Portugal. PhD students in the area of Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) from across Europe spent the week learning about the latest trends in TEL, exchanging ideas about their PhD projects, and (of course!) socialising. Alexander Mikroyannidis delivered the workshop: “Build your Personal Learning Environment”….

Successful review for ROLE

The 3rd annual review of the European project ROLE (Responsive Open Learning Environments) took place on March 27 in Luxembourg. The project consortium presented the ROLE technological achievements and their applications in different learning contexts. Alexander Mikroyannidis presented the lessons learned and best practices from piloting and evaluating the ROLE technologies in the test-beds of…

KMi hosts the first Build A Widget Day

KMi hosted the first Build A Widget Day last week, co-organised with the British Institute for Learning and Development (BILD). The event was attended by approximately 12 representatives of BILD member organisations. Alexander Mikroyannidis presented the latest learning tools developed by the ROLE project and introduced participants to the ROLE course available in OpenLearn (see…

ROLE Workshop with the eLearning Community

Alexander Mikroyannidis and Teresa Connolly from KMi recently organised a ROLE workshop together with the eLearning Community (eLC) of the Open University. The workshop was part of a monthly showcase event demonstrating a wide range of both research and implementations of current eLearning applications. Approximately 20 people were in attendance at the workshop and were…

KMi team wins dissemination trophy

The ROLE project (Responsive Open Learning Environments) is running dissemination contests twice a year, where project partners compete over the number and quality of their dissemination activities. The winner of the latest contest is the KMi team led by Alexander Mikroyannidis and consisting of Peter Scott, Teresa Connolly, Joe Corneli and Fridolin Wild. The team…

ServiceCORE project has started

ServiceCORE is a follow up project of CORE funded by JISC. The project aims at developing a nation-wide service for searching, navigating and accessing Open Access publications stored across 143 British institutional repositories. The CORE system is unique in its way to use text-mining and linked data to connect and interlink semantically similar publications at…

KMi helping to shape FuturICT EU Flagship

More than 300 scientists from around Europe are responding to the EU FET Flagship call for a ground-breaking 10 year project. The ultimate goal of the FuturICT flagship project is to understand and manage complex, global, socially interactive systems, with a focus on sustainability and resilience. FET Flagships are ambitious large-scale, science-driven, research initiatives that…

First results of the interdisciplinarity survey in technology enhanced learning

Last month an extensive questionnaire has been sent out to ~1.000 users of, a research community platform in technology-enhanced learning (TEL). 123 researchers from 25 different European countries replied and provided detailed information about their research backgrounds, practices and preferred methodology. The data is being combined with a network analysis of interpersonal platform connections….

ROLE meets in Shanghai

The annual General Assembly of the ROLE (Responsive Open Learning Environments) project took place last week in Shanghai. The event was hosted by the School of Continuing Education at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). The attendees were toured to the distant education facilities of the SJTU and had a chance to talk with students…