ROLE Workshop with the eLearning Community

Alexander Mikroyannidis and Teresa Connolly from KMi recently organised a ROLE workshop together with the eLearning Community (eLC) of the Open University. The workshop was part of a monthly showcase event demonstrating a wide range of both research and implementations of current eLearning applications.

Approximately 20 people were in attendance at the workshop and were thus introduced to the ROLE project through a presentation and a structured activity opportunity. The activity was divided in two parts: during the first part, participants had the opportunity to try a selection of ROLE widgets for finding and sharing learning resources. In the second part of the activity, participants used the ROLE mash-up recommender widget in order to start building their own PLE.

A report on the results of this event, together with results from similar past events, is available in the ROLE Showcase platform (see link below).

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