Project Related Event (legacy)

<p>Stories relating to a particular KMi project</p>

Oakgrove School explores the environment with the help of the PI Project

Year 10 students at Oakgrove School, Milton Keynes, have just completed a successful environmental study with the help of the Personal Inquiry (PI) Project. As part of their geography coursework the students have undertaken a field study into the Urban Heat Island effect. This is the tendency of a metropolitan area to be warmer than…

KMi Attend Language Teaching Assessment Meeting

As part of their commitment to the webCEF project, Dr Peter Scott, Dr Kevin Quick and Chris Valentine attended a meeting at Universite de Savoie in ChambĂ©ry, France. Kevin and Chris have developed a web-based assessment tool that language learners and teachers can use to assess submitted media samples against the Common European Framework of…

Living Human Digital Library Passes Medical

The Living Human Digital Library is a picture of health, following its annual checkup this April. The second year review was held in Bologna, at the headquarters of project member CINECA, the Italian national super-computing consortium. The Living Human Digital Library (LHDL) is an EU research programme funded as a STREP under FP6’s health theme….

PHAROS gets reviewed

The official 1st-year review of the PHAROS project has just concluded following a review meeting in Brussels on 28 and 29 Feb 2008. PHAROS (Platform for searcH of Audiovisual Resources across Online Spaces) is an Integrated Project co-financed by the European Union under the Information Society Technologies Programme (6th Framework Programme) Strategic ‘Objective Search Engines…

A Successful PHAROS Project Meeting Hosted by KMI

PHAROS (Platform for searcH of Audiovisual Resources across Online Spaces) is a large Integrated European Project which aims to build a next generation audiovisual search platform. 40 people from 13 organizations, institutes and universities of different countries came to KMi last week for the project meeting. During the meeting, the progress of the first year…

SOA4All and Service Web 3.0: Creating a Web of Billions of Services.

Emerging technologies such as the Semantic Web, SOA, and Web 2.0 will transform the Internet from a network of information to a network of knowledge and services. The number of services which will be offered on the Internet is expected to rise dramatically in the next few years as will the amount of collaboratively shared… Wins Semantic Web Challenge

Beating off eighteen other participants,, project of KMi PhD research student Tom Heath, has just won the Semantic Web Challenge at the sixth International Semantic Web Conference in Busan, Korea. In the words of the SW challenge Chair, Peter Mika, "this was by far the most competitive year, with the highest number of participants…

KMi checks out cool hardware for PI research project

The thing about working at the forefront of technology is that you get your hands on all the really cool gadgets to see how they work and just how effective they can be if deployed in research projects. Currently working on the PI project, The University of Nottingham and the Open University are partners in…

Proteach Italia – Helping Italians teach English to Italians!

Proteach Italia is the collaborative research project that was launched on 1st November by the Open University’s KMi and the University of Padova. The project aims to explore the use of new video conferencing innovations to enhance the learning experience of professional groups. Specifically, the project will evaluate the use of FlashMeeting and Compendium in…

e-Dance project kicks off

As part of a national programme to exploit e-science technologies in the Arts & Humanities, we are extending our Memetic toolkit for recording, replaying and annotating dance sessions in the Access Grid, to create tools for choreographers to rehearse and perform distributed compositions. The KMi component is extending and integrating Hypermedia Discourse tools such as…