Event Participation/Organization

<p>Story relating to an event</p>

KMi at ICL2020

The 23rd International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2020) took place online on September 23-25. This interdisciplinary conference is focused on the exchange of relevant trends and research results, as well as the presentation of practical experiences in Interactive Collaborative Learning and Engineering Pedagogy.  KMi was represented by Audrey Ekuban and Alexander Mikroyannidis. Audrey presented…

KMi at EKAW 2020 Ethical and Trustworthy Knowledge Engineering

The 22nd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2020) will be held virtually on 16-18 September 2020. EKAW is one of the leading international conferences in the area of knowledge engineering and its applications. This year, it is being organised by the Free University of Bolzen-Bolzano. This year’s theme was "Ethical and…

KMi at the ALT Summer Summit 2020

The first virtual Summer Summit of the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) took place on August 26-27, 2020. The event was a great success, with over 300 participants joining from 25 countries. The event’s theme was exploring Learning Technology in a time of crisis, care and complexity. Participants explored the themes of crisis, care and…

1st Scientific Knowledge Graphs Workshop (SKG2020)

The 1st Workshop on Scientific Knowledge Graphs (SKG2020) was held virtually on 25th August, when participants were invited to explore innovative solutions and ideas for the production and consumption of Scientific Knowledge Graphs (SKGs). SKG was a satellite event of the 24th edition of the International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL2020), which was…

Open Blockchain presented to the W3C Credentials Group

On July 13th 2020, the work of the Open Blockchain group was presented to the W3C Credentials Community Group. John Domingue, Allan Third, Alexander Mikroyannidis, Niaz Chowdhury and Mano Ramachandran joined a conference call between all members of the W3C group and presented their latest work on Verifiable Credentials and Blockchains. In particular, John and Allan presented…

3C Shared task: A Kaggle Competition for Citation Context Classification

  As part of the International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications, WOSP 2020 (https://wosp.core.ac.uk/jcdl2020/index.html), researchers at CORE are organizing a new shared task: the ‘3C’ Citation Context Classification Task. The aim of this shared task is to classify the citation context in research publications based on their influence and purpose. There will be two subtasks…

SPICE project is launched

SPICE is a 3 year EU project developing new technologies and methods that enable groups at risk of exclusion to actively participate in culture through a process we term citizen curation. Our approach to citizen curation supports virtual and physical visitors to the museum to engage in two interrelated processes of interpretation and reflection. Citizens…

QualiChain at the 9th eSTEeM conference

The 9th eSTEeM conference took place online on April 29-30, 2020. The conference is organised annually by the Open University, UK. Entitled "Informing Student Success – From Scholarship to Practice", this year’s programme has been a mix of short orals, workshops and poster presentations, showcasing scholarship work conducted by STEM colleagues. Alexander Mikroyannidis represented KMi…

QualiChain publishes special track proceedings

Alexander Mikroyannidis has co-edited the proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning (eLmL 2020). The eLmL 2020 proceedings include the papers of the QualiChain Special Track on “Decentralised Qualifications on the Blockchain”. Project partners have contributed 6 papers that describe the context and goals of the QualiChain pilots, the key research questions…