Event Participation/Organization

<p>Story relating to an event</p>

LearningEmergence.net launches!

KMi’s Simon Buckingham Shum has co-founded LearningEmergence.net, a research and development website and international network, with the Systems Centre: Learning & Leadership, University of Bristol. This collaborative venture exploits the complementary expertise of KMi’s work on social sensemaking knowledge media, with Ruth Deakin Crick’s work on 21st Century pedagogy, joining forces to drive forward our…

KMi at OER11

The UK Open Educational Resources (OER11) conference took place in the Manchester Conference Centre 11th-13th May 2011. KMi was represented by Teresa Connolly, Alexander Mikroyannidis, and Alexandra Okada. Teresa along with Elpida Makriyannis (IET), Tina Wilson (IET) and Andy Lane (MCT) ran a very successful workshop centred on the game OERopoly. Both the global version…

KMi@PARC: Contested Collective Intelligence

KMi’s Simon Buckingham Shum & Anna De Liddo gave a seminar at the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), renowned for its ground-breaking computing R&D in many fields, including Human-Computer Interaction, Hypertext and Sensemaking. Their seminar at the Intelligent Systems Lab, hosted by Maarten Sierhuis (Knowledge, Language & Interaction Area Manager) and Gregorio Convertino (Augmented Social…

KMi shaping the future ePhD

KMi’s Simon Buckingham Shum was one of the keynote speakers at the Open University’s Research Methods Conference, describing how hypermedia tools such as Compendium & Cohere can be used to analyse data, dissect arguments, give multimedia presentations and craft narrative: the essence of scholarship. The webcast is now up… The OU is opening its university-wide…

KMi and OU a major player in Learning Analytics

Last week saw KMi and OU colleagues out in strength at the 1st International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, held at the outstanding Banff Centre in the Rocky Mountains outside Calgary. Learning Analytics is highlighted as a very hot topic in the EDUCAUSE/NMC Horizons 2011 report, reflecting the growing amounts of data that can…

eBook Futures: the publisher’s dilemma

On the 17/18th February 2011 in Brussels, Belgium, the EU Aspect Project ran a very well attended strategic seminar on ‘Educational Publishing Futures’ as a platform where Ministries of Education, publishers and ICT vendors could discuss the future of educational publishing and digital content for schools. KMi Director Peter Scott presented our work on ‘eBook…

New social semantic theory revealed at guest lecture in Shanghai

One of China’s most prominent universities, the Shanghai Jiao Tong University, has featured KMi’s Fridolin Wild in a guest lecture, giving him the opportunity to present his new theory on how meaning is created and how machines can exploit this algorithmically. The new technique is called meaningful interaction analysis (MIA) and combines the semantic vector…

Sir Tim Berners-Lee on Linked Data and the Future Internet

Today saw the closing ceremony for the latest Future Internet Assembly held in Ghent (FIA Ghent). KMi’s was strongly represented in the Future Internet work via by two projects: SOA4All and SOFI, and most significantly through our leadership of the Future Internet Working Group for the Software and Services Unit. The Future Internet Assemblies are…

KMi Mobile Apps Showcased

KMi present both its mobile prototype applications and work on the iTunes U system at the Mobile Technologies Special Interest Group showcase in the Library yesterday, despite the team being seriously depleted by illness. The Chinese Characters and Virtual Microscope applications have both proved popular on the Apple downloads site and are currently being expanded…

Next Generation Personal Learning Environments at Online Educa

The annual Online Educa conference took place in frozen Berlin last week. Despite the weather conditions, the conference was attended by key people in the e-learning industry and academia. Alexander Mikroyannidis from KMi was there and gave a talk at the Next Generation Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) workshop organised by the British Institute for Learning…