Event Participation/Organization

<p>Story relating to an event</p>

The Open University in the new iTunes U App released today

Live from your correspondent in New York at the Guggenheim Museum, Apple have just announced iBooks2, iBooks Author and the new iTunes U. The new-look iTunes U released by Apple today includes an innovative iTunes U app. The Open University was one of the showcase Universities in their recent launch – of the hundred courses…

KMi supports FuturICT @FET Flagships Event, Warsaw

Simon Buckingham Shum presented FuturICT’s “Global Participatory Platform” to the FET Flagship organizers in November, Warsaw, at a meeting for all six pilot projects to report on progress. As reported in an earlier story (Sept 21, 2011), KMi is playing an active role in FuturICT, one of the EC’s FET Flagship pilots, funded to define…

KMi Learning Analytics keynote at Ascilite 2011

Last night I was honoured to give a keynote address at Ascilite 2011, the Australasian conference on learning technology and higher education. Entitled “Learning Analytics: Dream, Nightmare, or Fairydust?”, the talk introduced the topic of learning analytics and considered some of the issues around power, principles and pedagogy that will lie at the centre of…

SmartProducts technology showcased at Ambient Intelligence 2011

KMi researchers Andriy Nikolov and Keerthi Thomas travelled to Amsterdam last week for this year’s Ambient Intelligent Conference (AmI-11), where they presented the latest version of the SmartProducts Architecture for Proactive Problem Solving (SPAPS). Ambient Intelligence is a vision of the future where devices are integrated seamlessly in the environment and are able to co-operate…

KMi Presence at ISWC 2011

KMi-ers were very much in evidence at the 10th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2011), which took place in Bonn, Germany on 23-27 October 2011. ISWC is the major international forum for research on the Semantic Web and the strong presence from KMi (13 members of the lab attended the conference) confirmed the lab’s reputation…

Social Object Networks

Harith Alani from KMi co-organised a workshop at the 3rd IEEE Conference on Social Computing which took place at MIT, Boston 9-11 October. The SocialObjects workshop focused on the new R&D challenges associated with management and analysis of multi-dimensional social networks. The nuclei of most of today’s social networks are “Social Objects”; which are the…

KMi closes i-KNOW conference with vision of a university out of the box

KMi professor Stefan Rueger gave the closing keynote of this year’s i-KNOW conference at Graz’s congress hall. i-KNOW is the premier conference on knowledge management and knowledge technologies in Europe and has a tradition of bringing together more than 500 leading researchers and practitioners involved in knowledge management. Rueger’s talk “Knowledge discovery in the web:…

Learning Analytics and Knowledge 2012

KMi’s Simon Buckingham Shum is Program Co-Chair for the 2nd International Conf. on Learning Analytics and Knowledge. There’s now 3 weeks to go to submit papers to the premier research forum for this fast moving field at the intersection of big data, learning sciences and analytics. Join us in Vancouver! (April 29-May 2, 2012) We…

From R to R2

Fridolin Wild of KMi gave an invited talk in the special track on ‘Science 2.0’ at this years I-KNOW’11, in which he reflects on the change taking place in research practice, participation, and supporting technology. Fridolin observes, that the cottage industry model of research is outdated (= one location, one institution), but that at the…

KMi at Web of Data summer school

KMi professor Stefan Rueger taught international students last week at the summer school “Web of Data” held in St Petersburg, Russia. The summer school aimed to bring cutting-edge topics, problems and methods in Information Retrieval and Database Technology to graduate and PhD students as well as experienced academic and industrial researchers. The main sponsors of…