Simon Buckingham Shum

KMi shaping the future ePhD

KMi’s Simon Buckingham Shum was one of the keynote speakers at the Open University’s Research Methods Conference, describing how hypermedia tools such as Compendium & Cohere can be used to analyse data, dissect arguments, give multimedia presentations and craft narrative: the essence of scholarship. The webcast is now up… The OU is opening its university-wide…

KMi and OU a major player in Learning Analytics

Last week saw KMi and OU colleagues out in strength at the 1st International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, held at the outstanding Banff Centre in the Rocky Mountains outside Calgary. Learning Analytics is highlighted as a very hot topic in the EDUCAUSE/NMC Horizons 2011 report, reflecting the growing amounts of data that can…

KMi @ British Library "Growing Knowledge" Exhibition

Today sees the launch of the British Library’s major new exhibition on how digital tools are already transforming how we do research, including KMi’s e-Dance Project. Growing Knowledge: The Evolution of Research, runs from 12 October 2010 – 16 July 2011. We’re delighted to say that the e-Dance Project (in collaboration with Univ. Bedfordshire, Leeds…

KMi’s real-time visualizations of Election TV Debate

One of KMi’s teams has been generating live, interactive visualizations, revealing the structure of the first televised UK election debate between the three main party leaders. The Hypermedia Discourse group’s Compendium and Cohere tools have been used to generate the maps, which are then open to anyone to support/challenge the leaders’ claims, make new connections…

Compendium for mapping group dynamics

In recent work with psychotherapists, we’ve been using Compendium to convert their usual notes from analytic group sessions, into maps that reflect key aspects of the group dynamics. The Compendium design team has always envisaged the tool as analogous to spreadsheets for ideas: “Excel for Knowledge” if you will. Instead of handy tools for working…

Choreographic video annotation

Dance, up till now one of the most ephemeral of art forms, has new ways to experiment with time and space via digital media. The e-Dance Project (2007-09) is investigating how researchers in e-Science and Choreography can collaborate to learn from each other, and innovate new tools for researchers, practitioners and students. As part of…

ESSENCE: World’s 1st Climate Collective Intelligence event

ESSENCE: E-Science/Sensemaking/Climate Change is the world’s first global climate collective intelligence event, designed to bring together scientists, industrialists, campaigners and policy makers, and the emerging set of web-based sensemaking tools, to pool and deepen our understanding of the issues and options facing the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December 2009. Organised by the…

Dr Joanna Kwiat!

I’m delighted to announce that Joanna Kwiat has successfully defended her PhD, entitled "Multi-Perspective Annotation of Digital Stories for Professional Knowledge Sharing" The thesis will be published as a KMi Technical Report following revisions, although its in depth literature review of narrative theory, and its relevance for story technology, is already available as the report…

Dr Anna De Liddo!

Congratulations to Anna De Liddo, who passed her PhD viva with flying colours last Friday! Her thesis "A Process Memory Platform to Support Participatory Planning & Deliberation" is collaborative work with Dept. di Architecttura e Urbanista, Politecnico di Bari, and KMi’s Hypermedia Discourse group. The viva panel were impressed with the originality of the research,…

Alex Little leaves KMi for VSO

After over 7 years at the OU, Alex Little is leaving to serve in Ethiopia on a VSO programme. Alex has been a member of KMi’s team working on the OU-wide OpenLearn project since 2006, and most recently, worked on the new SocialLearn project. He developed the MSG social presence tool while working with Marc…