Choreographic video annotation

Dance, up till now one of the most ephemeral of art forms, has new ways to experiment with time and space via digital media. The e-Dance Project (2007-09) is investigating how researchers in e-Science and Choreography can collaborate to learn from each other, and innovate new tools for researchers, practitioners and students. As part of this, KMi’s Compendium 2.0 tool now supports spatio-temporal video annotation.

e-Dance is funded by a unique UK interdisciplinary research programme: AHRC, EPSRC & JISC. We have now added Movie Maps to our Compendium tool. A given idea (i.e. hypertext node) can now be embedded in both time (one or more clips within one or more movies) and space (one or more locations within one or more movies). Movie Maps can be linked into and out of just like any normal Map, so you can use all the usual Compendium strategies for making and managing meaningful connections between ideas:

* the appearance/disappearance of a node (of any sort) to highlight something of interest in a clip (including a map containing your analysis)
* direct graphical links to make visual connections into/out of/between clips
* transclusion (or embedding as we’re now calling it) whereby a node appearing in a clip is embedded in other maps (including of course, other movies)
* tags, whereby the clip shares one or more common features with other nodes, within or outside the movie

A new series of movies, published using KMi’s podcast architecture, brings together Choreography researcher Sita Popat and e-Science researcher Simon Buckingham Shum, who demonstrate and discuss the adaptation of Compendium for Choreographic video work.

The academic context for this work is set out in a recent article:

Bailey, H., Bachler, M., Buckingham Shum, S., Le Blanc, A., Popat, S., Rowley, A. and Turner, M. (2009). Dancing on the Grid: Using e-Science Tools to Extend Choreographic Research. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 13 July 2009, Vol. 367, No. 1898, pp. 2793-2806. []

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