Peter Sharpe

Recent Visitors for Simon Buckingham Shum October/December

Australia and Japan Oct 2003: Dr Andrew Treloar, Project Manager, Strategic Information Initiatives and Professor Sally Joy, Associate Dean Graduate Studies in the Faculty of Business and Economics, Univ. Monash, Australia, were given a demonstration of KMi collaboration tools to support students. They confessed themselves amazed. Dec 2003: Prof. Kumiyo Nakakoji, University of Tokyo visited…

Roundup of Recent Visitors

Mike Uschold (Boeing) (21-nov) John Fox (cancer research UK) (7-oct) Simone Groothuis (Academic Press) Mansur Darlington (engineering dept. @ bath university) Maarten Sierhuis (nasa) E2B – 10/10/03 Shell – 13/10/03 Nature – twice BBC Digilab – 4/08/03 Danish Association for Flexible Learning (big visit) – 11/09/03 SoftCapital Ltd – 23/12/03 Sport4All with David Bellin and…

Visit From Softcapital

Softcapital are a small company working on the National Measurement System Knowledge Transfer Programme. The NMS involves the major labs working on metrology in this country, e.g. National Physical Laboratory. The KT programme aims to work out how to feed information on practice out into the business community. This type of initiative is apparently being…

First Flight Web Site Cracks 80,000 Hits December 17th

If you doubt the power of history, take a look at the number of hits on the First Flight web site on December 17th. 80,861 hits from 10,714 visitors. The site usually has between 200 and 2,000 visitors per day except that on the 17th the number of visitors really climbed and was still over…

Work on Robert Horn’s “Great Debate” Map

Haibo Jai is working with us for a few weeks producing models of Bob Horn&#39s “Big Debate” in AI using the new ClaiMapper tool. Robert E. Horn is a political scientist with a special interest in policy communication, social learning, and knowledge management (especially in biotechnology and national security affairs). For the past 7 years,…

Joint KMi/Library Digital Libraries Seminar

The Library and KMi held a digital libraries seminar on Wednesday December 10 at the Knowledge Media Institute. Presentations: An incremental usability and accessibility evaluation framework for digital libraries by Panyiotis Zaphiri and Terry Hoi-Yan Ma (City University, London) Making sense of digital libraries with scholarly ontologies by Victoria Uren and Gary Li (KMi).

Visit by the Director of the Manufacturing Foundation

Peter Whalley and Peter Scott met with James Bentley the Director of the Manufacturing Foundation to discuss potential project links. The Foundation is deeply concerned at the lack of interest in engineering as a career amongst school-leavers and sees the 11-12 year old age group as the key to retrieving this situation. A project proposal…

Visitors from Papplewick Trust

Peter Whalley today hosted a visit from Dennis Brennan of Brennan & Whalley Limited and Ian Smith Director of the Papplewick Pumping Station. Brennan & Whalley (no relation) are designers with a wealth of experience in presenting concepts to the public. They were very interested in the work of Peter Whalley and John Linney in…