Peter Sharpe

Middle States Commission for HE

12th October we were visited by Joe Nairn from the Rochester Institute of Technology as part of the OU&#39s application for accreditatation by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. Peter Scott and Peter Sharpe hosted the visit and left him well impressed by the technologies employed. Accreditataion will boost the standing of OU courses…

Visitor from Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne

Vlad Tanasescu from Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland will be in KMi for 6 months from early September working on personal agents within an EGoverment context using one of KMi&#39s tools for semantic web services

KMi Feature in Australian Report

In October/November 2003, Dr Andrew Treloar and Professor Sally Joy from Monash University in Australia visited the OU to discuss Information Management and related topics. Andrew Treloar&#39s final report of the study tour is now online. It has been mailed to the following universities in the US who participated in the study: UCLA Indiana University…

Round-up of Current Interns

Alexandre Gonçalves from Brazil. Currently, a researcher in Stela Group, a research group linked to Federal University of Santa Catarina. Here to finish his PhD degree under the supervision of Prof. Dr Enrico Motta. Research subject based on text mining integrated with ontology and how this approach can offer models to the discovery and management…

Iranian Academics Looking to Forge Links

Prof. Geoff Peters brought Drs. Ahmad Towhidi and Abdolaziz Abdollahi of the University of Shiraz (home of the grape?) to KMi as part of their visit to the University. There is a lot of pent-up demand in Iran which the British Council is keen to tap. Dr. Towhidi was enquiring about KMi taking a few…

Oakgrove Millennium Community

PJS and I talked to Michael Mulquin, CEO of IS Communications, as to possible involvement with the Oakgrove Millennium Community – being built right next door. Oakgrove is a long term development of 1850 dwellings at high density which will have an integral broadband infrastructure. Each millennium development has a theme and for this one…

Environment Agency – think great thoughts!

We had a first visit from Neil Suffield of the Environment Agency. The reason for the visit was to look at possibilities for “horizon scanning” which he talked over with Enrico. However, you will see from the following that there may be a lot of potential here. Please keep Enrico, Peter and me in the…

Follow-Up to George Smith

Nigel Pigott writes: “I&#39ve just had two phone calls from George. The first was after he had spoken to Bernie Rickinson at IOM3. Apparently he is very keen to pursue the idea of networking high tech materials companies and has some funding that could be devoted to a demonstrator project. George then spoke to Ian…

Prof. George Smith, FRS Oxford University

George Smith visited; brought along by Nigel Pigott after meeting Alan Bassindale. George is a great advocate of the OU. He is the m.d. of a nanotechnology company and mixes with those at the Insitute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, has been involved with Foresight panels, knows important folk at the DTI and has speaks…

Visitors from St. Gallen University

The two visitors, Sabine Seufert and Dieter Euler, were from the IWp (Institut fur Wirtschaftspadagogik) – which they translate as the Institute of Business Education and Educational Management. Housed within this Institute is the SCIL or Swiss Centre for Innovation in Learning, Sabine is the Executive Director and Dieter is the Academic Director. The Institute…