Peter Scott

Bernie Rickinson (Institute of Materials)

Bernie Rickinson (Institute of Materials) visited today with Mike Fitzpatrick and Nigel Pigott. Gave him a demo of a few fun things like hex and buddyspace + stadium + magpie etc. He was very interested in the Bletchley park stuff with mobile phones. We are looking into joint stuff we can do to access the…

Shell Visitor – Adam and Janni Lomas

Up here to sign an OU memorandum of agreement (basically saying that Shell folks can buy OU courses as part of their Shell learning budgets); Adam and Janni came to KMi to see me and then went to see Iain Gilmour (Earth Sci)and John Oates (FELS). Janni was very engaged with the Schools stuff we…

Betty Collis (Twente U.) Visit

Had a nice chat with Betty (Shell Network Professor at Twente) about interesting things for Shell. She menioned a range of groups in Shell that could use some KMi stuff. She came to look at Hex, but I also showed buddyspace and rostra – which she was very interested in; and talked about compendium and…

Prospect: Oak Grove – the MK Millennium Village

Interesting chat with Michel Mulquin, IS Communications (01353 722149) who is bidding with Crest Nicolson to put together the Milton Keynes Millennium Village. These are a series of new developments focusing on the future of UK new communities. Greenwich is the first of these, I think. Anyway, these guys are bidding to English Partnerships for…

KMi Showcased at LearnTec Karlsruhe, Germany.

Stand 239 in the Schwarzwaldhalle hosted the Prolearn project in Karlsruhe, Germany. A lot of folk wandering around looking at the many neat aspects of this project. KMi had a good showing with both Stadium and Hexagon getting alot of interest. Peter Scott and Kevin Quick mixed meetings of Prolearn workpackages with attending the Prolearn…

ex Head of Sport England visits

Jeff Neslen was brought into the lab by Roger Fennemore to talk about the next potential steps with the Sport4All concept. Subjects ranged widely about the sorts of things that Sports England might be minded to support. Lots of interesting discussion about how to breathe life into the sporting demos. Table-tennis anyone?

ex Head of Sport England visits

Jeff Neslen was brought into the lab by Roger Fennemore to talk about the next potential steps with the Sport4All concept. Subjects ranged widely about the sorts of things that Sports England might be minded to support. Lots of interesting discussion about how to breathe life into the sporting demos. Table-tennis anyone?

Shell Open University

Friday 6th Feb 2004 Peter Scott and Sue Downie (Corous) visited the Shell Training Centre in Holland as the guests of Peter Bentley (pictured). Their training centre operation is a very big business! The Centre was, strangely enough, running a big workshop for one of the OU Business School courses, B871 or somesuch … so…

VC dinner Post Mortem (16th Dec)

Dominic was present to welcome the guests, but left when we were all there. John and I were accompanied by Rae and Fiona and worked the room quite well. Brenda&#39s partner James is an architect, but with a keen interest in technology. Brenda herself was most engaged when talking about the work of Bob Moon…

Prolearn Kick-Off

The first PROLEARN general assembly was held at the L3S lab in Hannover, Germany Nov 30-Dec 2 2003. So keen are the project participants to get started, that we decided to have our kick-off over a month before the formal start date for the project and before the contract with the EU has even been…