Peter Scott

Making the News Day

KMi today was the host of a large group of Year 8/9 students (aged about 12-13 years) from Lord Grey School. The students were taking part in the KMi Making the News (MTN) Project. This project is funded by the Department of Education and is being run through the East of England Broadband Network (E2BN)….

FlashMeeting receives more praise!

More and more people are saying positive things about KMi&#39s web meeting tool FlashMeeting. From amongst the latest in a line of nice citations from amongst the world&#39s busiest bloggers, a review from Robin Good&#39s Kolabora News web page is very positive about the system. Says Good, “… what I appreciate the most in this…

FlashMeeting Memo now editable

The really cool part of the FlashMeeting environment that lets you record your meetings Memo, now has the added facility to let you edit the recordings and add annotations. Memo is a tool that presents the replays of recorded FlashMeetings. It shows you a visualization of the meeting as a map of who spoke when,…

Adaptive Hypermedia 2004, Eindhoven

The Adaptive Hypermedia 2004 conference ran in Eindhoven in the Netherlands this year (August 23-26, 2004). I was there because the conference had some dedicated Prolearn sessions this year, and hosted a meeting of the executive board. There were a number of very good papers “with a strong showing from the Irish” Trinity especially. My…

FlashMeeting 2.0 Now Released

FlashMeeting, the lightweight video-conferencing software application that captures your essential meeting knowledge online, was released as Version 2 today. FlashMeeting means: no frills, no silly extra hardware and no big installation hassle! And from today, it also means: a new, bigger footprint that allows you to see text chat alongside everything else; scaling or scrolling…

XDA II touch base

So, I had a chance to try out the O2 XDA II for a couple of days and thought it worth a short report. The workshop I was doing for the E2BN conference needed a few of these beasties to work – so we hired half a dozen. A neat idea this wee smartphone, it…

Mobile technologies for teachers

At the E2BN (East of England Broadband Network) conference, this week I did a fun workshop on Mobile Technologies for Teachers. The E2B folks run schools networking in this region of the country. And this was their annual conference. Last year I did a keynote for them, so this year (not wanting to bore them…

hex at the lake; hex at the airport

Gosh, these Swiss folks like their wireless LANs… not many places here in Lugano that I could not connect my various machines from (well, big places like hotels, etc, anyway). For a price, of course. Attached is Lugano Airport lounge. Me trying to see what is happening back at the ranch on my way back…

EdMedia04 – Lugano Switzerland

This years Ed Media (June 21-26, 2004) was in the beautiful lakeside setting of Lugano in Switzerland. I was there to catch up with some interesting people and to do a great deal of work on the Prolearn Network of Excellence, which was running a series of parallel events. It was hot, it was sunny,…

Eden Conference – Budapest, Hungary

The EDEN organization (European Distance and E-Learning Network) held its annual conference for 2004 at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The conference focus was on NEW CHALLENGES AND PARTNERSHIPS IN AN ENLARGED EUROPEAN UNION: Open, Distance and e-Learning in Support of Modernisation, Capacity Building and Regional Development. The principal conference sponsor was Microsoft…