KMi Reporter

KMi at the 2020 International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC)

Most conferences this year are being held virtually and the 2020 International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), the most prestigious international venue for research on the Semantic Web and Linked Data, is no different. Over the years, KMi has been one of the top contributors to the conference and this tradition continues in 2020, with members…

Best Paper Award for Alessio at Hypertext 2020

Congratulations to Alessio Antonini, who was co-author of the Best Paper at the 31st ACM International Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT’20). This year’s conference theme was Hypertext for Social Good with a focus on ensuring that technology will have a positive impact on both society and individual users. HT’20 turned some important stones…

KMi researchers develop worlds first COVID-19 digital immunity passport

KMi researchers have created the world’s first digital application to certify COVID-19 immunity test results. The Open Blockchain Team, led by Professor John Domingue, have developed a prototype mobile phone app that enables instant verification of tamper-proof coronavirus test results and vaccination certificates. Speaking on the new mobile phone app Professor John Domingue, Director of the…

A blockchain badge pilot for the IoC Conference

KMi conducted a successful pilot of the IoC blockchain-verified badges this week at the second Institute of Coding (IoC) Conference. Conference attendees were given delegate badges with blockchain technology to log their activities over the course of the two-day event as part of the OU pilot. During the conference, delegates took part in a series of activities,…

KMi’s Stefan Rueger presents Dr Ian Witten for honorary doctorate

Prof Stefan Rueger of KMi presented Dr Ian Witten of Waikato University to Executive Dean Mary Kellett at Friday’s Degree Ceremony. Ian received a honorary doctorate "Doctor of the University" from the OU for services to the educationally underprivileged. Ian Witten is a Computer Scientist who has contributed to the research in his discipline in…

Where are they now? The Our Story App

KMi has a long track record of co-designing innovative demonstrators and it’s always rewarding when we hear back from our collaborators about how our prototypes have evolved and continue to influence practice. In a recent article on the whitefox blog, Natalia Kucirkova, a Senior Research Fellow at University College London, talks about the challenges of…

Alessandro Adamou to serve as UK ambassador for the European Linked Data Contest

KMi researcher Alessandro Adamou has been appointed as representative for the United Kingdom in the upcoming European Linked Data Contest. The ELDC is a fringe event of the SEMANTiCS 2016 international conference on semantic systems, to be held in Leipzig during September 12-15, 2016. After the success of last year’s edition, this initiative once more…

Doctor, doctor give me the news…

KMi is proud to announce that there are two new doctors in our midst. In a turn up for the books, and after years of hard work, Hassan Saif and Petr Knoth both passed their vivas today. We celebrated with a bottle of bubbly and speeches from each candidate. Both were very thankful for the…

KMi welcomes Director-designate John Domingue

We’re pleased to announce that Professor John Domingue has been appointed as KMi’s 4th Director since its founding in 1995. John will be taking up his post in August this year, when the current Director steps down. Today KMiers welcomed this appointment with a gathering to celebrate with a slice of cake and a bit…

Breaking the rules is not a strategy to win

Evaluating learning technology and approaches regarding their impact is an extremely challenging task, with wrong choice in methodology often leading to low-impact, academic ivory tower research that nobody cares for. Effie Law (University of Leicester) and KMi’s Fridolin Wild therefore have compiled an inventory of relevant methods and approaches in order to help researchers pick…